巴西蘑菇 ABM Mushroom (Bazilian Mushroom)

ABM Mushroom

巴西蘑菇 (Agaricus Blazei Murill) 简称 ABM 蘑菇,原产于巴西,另有姬松茸、神菇、太阳菇等名称, 是巴西圣保罗彼达迪小镇上,居民日常饮食中的重要部分。这一带的居民健康状况良好,而且比起其他地区的居民较少罹患癌症和老年病。
The Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) mushroom is originally from Brazil. It is also known as himematsutake, Mushroom of God, and Mushroom of the Sun. It is an important part of locals' daily diets in Piedade, a small town in São Paulo, Brazil. Those who live in Piedade have uncommonly good health and experience a lower frequency of cancer and geriatric disease than the general population in the area.

Exceptionally Rich in a Wide Variety of Polysaccharides

Scientists think this lower frequency of disease may be attributable to the rich store of polysaccharides in the ABM mushroom.






ABM Mushroom
Beta-1,3 D-glucan
Beta-1,6 D-glucan
FA-1a-beta (hetero-beta-glucan)
FA-2b-beta (RNA)
FV-1 (insoluble beta-glucan)
ATOM (glucomannan-protein)
AB-FP (mannan-protein)

Powerful Ally in the Fight against Cancer

巴西蘑菇富含多醣体 Beta-1,3 D-glucan 和 Beta-1,6 D-glucan。这些多醣体有助于 T 细胞、干扰素和白细胞介素的分泌,因此可以帮助预防癌细胞和受病毒感染的细胞繁殖、扩散及恶化。
The ABM mushroom is rich in the polysaccharides beta-1, 3 D-glucan and beta-1, 6  D-glucan. These polysaccharides can aid production of T cells, interferon, and interleukin to help prevent reproduction, spread, and relapse of cancer cells as well as virus-infected cells.

国家癌症中心实验室和东京医药学院的联合研究显示,喂食巴西蘑菇后,90% 实验对象体内的癌肿瘤消除了。大部分菇类中的多醣体仅能影响特定类型的实体肿瘤的生长,但是巴西蘑菇却能有效对抗艾氏腹水癌、乙状结肠癌、卵巢癌、乳癌、肺癌和大部分恶性实体肿瘤。
Research by the National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy showed the elimination of cancerous tumors in 90% of lab animals fed with ABM mushrooms. While polysaccharides found in most fungi can only affect certain solid tumors, those in ABM mushrooms are reportedly effective against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, sigmoid colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and most solid tumors.

Strengthens the Immune System

美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 的 King Drew Medical Center 研究发现,巴西蘑菇可以增加体内免疫细胞的总数量。研究指出,巴西蘑菇不仅可以增加自然杀手细胞的数量,还可强化其功能!
Research at King Drew Medical Center of UCLA found that the ABM mushroom increases the total number of immune cells throughout the body. Furthermore, research has shown that ABM mushroom not only increases the number of natural killer (NK) cells, but also makes each individual NK cell more powerful.

Antioxidant Effects

萃取自巴西蘑菇的表多醣 AbEXP-la 则具有抗氧化活性和清除自由基的功效。
Exopolysaccharide AbEXP-la extracted from ABM mushroom displays anti-oxidation activity and can eliminate free radicals.

Antiviral Protection

ABM mushroom is also cited as a powerful antiviral agent, preventing viruses and harmful agents from entering delicate tissue.

Wholesome Source of Iron

100 克的巴西蘑菇即含有 9.65 毫克的铁,是铁质含量百分比极高的植物性食物,而且容易被人体吸收又没有副作用,为人体提供了天然完整的铁质来源。
One hundred grams of ABM mushroom contain 9.65 mg of iron — one of the highest percentages of iron found in plant foods — that is easily absorbed by the human body. The ABM mushroom provides the human body with a wholesome source of iron with no side effects.

Enhances Absorption of Calcium

巴西蘑菇所含的一种称为麦角固醇 (Ergosterol) 的重要成分,是转换成维生素 D2 的主要元素,而维生素 D2 能帮助促进钙质的吸收和利用。这两种物质相互结合,发挥保护骨骼的作用,促进人体健康,更能预防骨质疏松症等疾病。
ABM mushroom contains ergosterol, which converts into vitamin D2. This vitamin promotes the absorption and use of calcium in the body. Ergosterol and vitamin D2 combine to protect and strengthen bone health, and they even help prevent diseases like osteoporosis.

A Perfect Combination of Nutrients

巴西蘑菇更蕴含极为丰富的蛋白质,维生素 B1、B2 以及各种人体所需的矿物质, 如: 钙、钾、钠、磷及铁等,为健康提供多重助益。
The ABM mushroom is high in protein as well as vitamins B1, B2, and minerals needed by the body (such as calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron), thus providing multiple health benefits to the body.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist