《营养免疫学》Nutritional Immunology

华语 Chinese

英语 English

不管是空气,水, 我们每天吃的食物,碰的东西, 都藏着好几万亿个细菌, 微生物。我们的身体, 必须每天24小时的防御,抵抗环境中持续不断的威胁。即使是空气中的灰尘, 也可能伤害我们的身体。然而, 危险不仅来自于外部的环境, 也来自于我们的身体。
There are trillions of  micro-organisms lurking in the air. The water, the food we eat and on the objects we touch, our body has to constantly defend itself against the constant threats in the environment. Even the dust in the air could be dangerous to our bodies. However danger not only comes from the environment but also from within our bodies.

我们的身体, 不断的发生变化, 不断的生长。 我们的细胞会衰老, 死亡。同时身体也会产生新细胞来取代他们。我们的身体不断的重复更新与再生的过程。 当产生新的细胞时, 有可能会发生错误。因此产生了不健康的, 无法正常运作的细胞。 
Our bodies are constantly changing, constantly growing. Our cells grow old and die and new cells replace them. Our bodies are constantly regenerating. As our cells are created,  there is a chance that mistakes may be made leading to unhealthy cells that do not function properly.

外来的污染物, 以及其他某些物质会破坏我们细胞内的遗传物质 DNA,造成细胞突变。细胞突变造成了癌细胞的产生, 进一步又造成癌症肿瘤的产生。
Pollutants or other substances can damage the genetic material, the DNA within our cells, leading to cells mutations. This in turn can lead to cancerous cells which can then lead to cancerous tumors.

我们同时面对着来自外在的环境, 以及身体内部的威胁,但我们活得下来。 我们吃东西, 和外界互动, 同时接触到各种足以致命的物质,我们依然活了下来。我们会跌到, 膝盖受伤, 细菌, 微生物趁机闯入我们的身体。但过不了多久, 伤口很快就会结痂, 然后很快的就会长出新的皮肤,保护我们不受伤害。
We face threats from the outside world and we face threats from the inside. Yet we keep on breathing. We eat. We interact. We're exposed to all sorts of things that could kill us and yet we survive. We fall and scrape our knee. Microbes enter our bodies. But after a short while a clot forms and soon brand new skin forms to protect us.

出门在外, 就算感冒了, 即使不用任何的药物, 也会在一个星期内康复。
We go out into the world, we catch a cold but we'll recover in a week without any medication.

您是否曾注意到, 冷气机里面的空气滤网, 充满了灰尘, 甚至被堵住了, 无法通风?我们呼吸的空气, 其实就和冷气过滤的空气一样, 充满了灰尘和污染物,但我们的肺部为什么没有堵塞?
Have you ever noticed the air filters within the air-conditioning machines getting clogged up? And we breathe the same air with the same dust and the same pollutants as those machines but our lungs don't clog.

那是因为我们的身体能够自行处理好这些问题, 无时无刻的保护着我们。 尽管我们不断的受到来自毒素、微生物, 甚至是身体内部正常细胞突变成癌细胞的种种威胁, 但我们依然能够存活下来。 这都是免疫系统的功劳。
Our body is capable of taking care of these problems and constantly taking care of us. In spite of constant threats from toxins, microbes and even our own cells turning into cancer,  we manage to survive. This is because of our immune system.

我们的免疫系统是世界上最好的医生。 我们的免疫系统是一个非常复杂的构造,有许多器官, 组织和细胞一起分工合作帮助身体摧毁微生物, 肿瘤细胞和毒素。 
Our immune system is the best doctor we can ever have. Our immune system is a vastly complex network of organs, tissues and cells that all work together to help destroy micro-organisms, tumor cells and toxins. 

Let's take a look at some of the organs that are part of our immune system.

我们的【骨髓】负责制造体内大量的红血球和白血球, 其中也包括免疫细胞。
Our Bone Marrow creates many of the blood cells in our body including our immune cells.

我们的【胸腺】可以被想成是某些免疫细胞的训练中心。 免疫细胞像士兵一样到胸腺进行专门的训练。
Our Thymus can be thought of as a training center for some of our immune cells. Like soldiers, our immune cells go there to learn specialized actions.

我们的【扁桃腺】, 对于任何想从呼吸道入身体的入侵者都保持高度的警戒, 是防御外来入侵者的第一道防线之一。
Our Tonsils are part of the first line of defense for invaders that come through our airways.

Our Lymph Nodes are like garrisons for your soldiers. They also act as a filter or a trap for invaders. 

我们的【脾脏】, 就像是弹药工厂, 可以产生抗体。 同时也是一个具有特别功能的过滤器。 
Our Spleen is like an ammunitions factory. It produces antibodies while also acting as a specialized filter. 

免疫系统的其他器官, 还包括【集合淋巴结】, 或是微型免疫器官,像是【包膜下的增殖病灶】等等。这些器官中的每一个都与我们免疫系统的细胞一起运作, 发挥功效。
Other organs that are a part of the immune system include the payer's patches, subcapsular proliferative foci, etc. Each of these organs work together with the cells of our immune system.

我们的免疫细胞, 就像具有免疫功能的士兵一样驻守在我们的身体里, 时时保持警觉, 收到信号就会立即赶到开始作战。
Our immune cells, our immune soldiers reside in our bodies constantly on alert, waiting for the signal to go to battle.

我们的免疫系统拥有一个遍佈全身的通讯网络。当侦测到病原体时, 身体就会发出讯号, 表明自己正受到攻击。我们的免疫细胞, 所有不同种类的士兵, 就会立即投入战斗。
Our immune system communicates throughout our body. When pathogens are detected a message is sent out saying our body is under attack. Our immune cells, all the different soldiers will rush to our defense. 

Let's look at some of our specialized immune cells.

【B 细胞】生产炮弹, 也就是能够消灭外来入侵物的抗体,并与 【T 细胞】一同作战, 保卫人体。
B Cells produce the artillery, the antibodies while working together with T Cells.

【巨噬细胞】, 可以吞噬并清除微生物和其他外来物质, 还可以透过清除死亡细胞、扫出体内如污染等废物, 来净进化人体。
Phagocytes swallow and digest microbes and other foreign material. They also clean up the body by getting rid of dead cells and clearing away debris like pollutants.

【自然杀手细胞】与其他能杀死癌细胞的免疫细胞共同合作, 保护我们的身体, 不受癌细胞的伤害。
Natural Killer Cells - defenders from cancerous cells in coordination with the products from other immune cells that cause cancer cells to die.

我们的免疫系统, 可以分辨出, 危害身体的物质, 进一步发动攻击, 消除病原体, 并且形成记忆, 在下次遇到同种类的入侵时, 就能迅速反击。
Our immune system identifies threats mounts attacks, eliminates pathogens and remembers it for the next time.

我们的免疫系统, 比世界上任何一支军队都更加复杂。他是如此的复杂精密, 以至于直到今天, 我们依旧无法对他有全面的了解。
Our immune system is more complicated than any army in the world. It is so complicated we still don't know what all of its functions are.

免疫系统若是虚弱或产生缺陷, 永远无法依靠药物来弥补。 我们的科技还 研发不出能够取代免疫系统的药物。 
Medication will never compensate for a weak immune system. We do not have the technology to replace our immune system with the use of drugs.

我们的免疫系统是一支训练有素, 拥有各种战术的军队。 它执行特定,掌控范围内的任务,并知道何时停止战斗。
Our immune system is a well-trained tactical army. It carries out specific contained battles and it knows when to stop.

我们的免疫系统, 知道敌人的位置, 知道要避开健康的细胞,知道一旦战争取得胜利就停止攻击。因此不会造成任何意外的伤害。 然而, 药物就像是漫无目的的炸弹。它没有焦点,随意轰炸, 甚至可能无法击中目标,并且总会带来连带的伤害。
Our immune system knows where the battle is. It knows to leave the healthy cells alone and it knows when the battle is won so there isn't any inadvertent damage. A medication however is like a widespread bomb. It has no focus. It might not even hit the target and it always causes collateral damage.

现代社会中, 许多疾病都是由于免疫系统产生缺陷引起的。 如果我们的免疫系统虚弱就会生病。例如, 免疫系统健康的人遇上病毒, 不一定会生病。 但免疫系统虚弱的人, 哪怕是单纯的感染, 也可能会被夺去性命。 虚弱的免疫系统, 也无法杀死癌细胞,最后让癌症有机会扩散, 蔓延。 
In the modern world today, many illnesses are caused by a compromised immune system. If our immune system is weak, we get sick. For example, someone healthy might not get sick from a virus. But someone with a weak immune system could die from a simple infection. A weak immune system also can't kill cancer cells and so the cancer will spread. 

当我们的免疫系统出现故障, 许多疾病也跟著发生。 例如, 当我们的免疫系统攻击某些没有害的物质, 就会导致过敏。 由于花粉而导致的花粉热, 就是一种过敏症状。 
Many diseases also occur when our immune system malfunctions. For example, allergies occur when our immune system attacks something harmless, like flower pollen causing hay fever.

当我们的免疫系统错误的攻击身体的健康细胞, 就会造成自体免疫性疾病包括红斑性狼疮、类风湿性关节炎、1-型糖尿病、牛皮癣等, 都是自体免疫性疾病。
Autoimmune diseases develop when our immune system mistakenly attacks our body's own healthy cells. Examples of autoimmune diseases include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and type-1 diabetes. 

我们每一个人, 余生俱来都有治愈的能力。 但前提是我们必须照顾好自己的身体, 为免疫系统提供适当的滋养。 透过【健康生活的方式】、【健康的饮食】、【规律的运动】、【充分的休息】, 免疫系统就能得到良好的照顾。 
Every single one of us, we are each born with the ability to heal. But in order to heal, we need to take care of ourselves and we need to nourish our immune system. We can take care of our immune system through our developing the right lifestyle, healthy diet, sufficient exercise, and proper rest

This is the core of Nutritional Immunology, the relationship between nutrition and the immune system.

世界上没有任何东西可以取代我们的免疫系统。 免疫系统是世界上最好的医生, 也是人体最佳的防线, 没有比免疫系统更好的。
Nothing in the world can replace our immune system. Our immune system is our best defense and our best doctor. Nothing is better. We need to take care of our immune system.

我们需要透过恰当的营养来照顾好免疫系统, 大量摄取健康的植物性食物, 可以帮助我们打造一个强大、健全的免疫系统,在每一场对抗疾病的战争中获得胜利。
Through our nutrition, through eating plenty of healthy plant foods, we can build a strong healthy immune system to fight to the end.