《关于我》About Me


About Me

Hello! 大家好!欢迎来到 #专业之外の理想人生平台
Hello everyone! Welcome to #Extraordinary Life Beyond Professional Platform.

I'm Cornelius Wong.

My Website mainly shares the following two information with you.

1. 传讲由世界著名的 营养免疫学家 #陈昭妃博士 所创办的 #营养免疫学!这们预防科学,能让世人擁有健康以及长寿的智慧。
1. Preach about #Nutritional Immunology founded by the world-renowned nutritional immunologist #Dr. Jau-Fei Chen. This Preventive Science can make the world have the wisdom of health and longevity.

2. 提供网络创业的机会以及思维培训,让更多的人创业成功。
2. Provide Online Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Thinking training, so that more people can start their own businesses successfully.

Then why am I worthy of everyone's trust?

(1) 首先我所代理的【#营养免疫学产品】是一个拥有超过 30年 历史的国际品牌,它已经让无数的人赢回健康,而且它安全独特有效
(1) First of all, the #Nutritional Immunology Products I represent is an international brand with a history of more than 30 years. It has won countless people back to health, and it is safe, unique and effective.

(2) 我所加入的团队是 #EVG 系统环球,它是一个拥有 26年 历史的成功团队,已经带领许多的人获得成功。
(2) The team I joined is #EVG Network, which is a successful team with a 26-year history and has led many people to success.

(3) 就是我自己,我拥有带领及帮助伙伴创业成功的经验。组织一年会办超过 300场 思维培训
(3) It is me, I have the experience of leading and helping partners to start their own business successfully. Organize more than 300 Mindset training sessions a year.

So today, no matter what you want is ... health, wealth, time freedom, or all three, you can contact me and let me help you realize your dreams.

Please click here for more information