针叶樱桃 Acerola Cherry

Acerola Cherry

Originating from tropical regions of the Americas, acerola cherries are traditionally used to treat dysentery, diarrhea, and liver disorders. When ripe, these fruits are bright red and can help you get in the pink of health.

A Variety of Nutrients

人体无法制造所需的维生素 C,因此必须从饮食中获取。相较于维生素药丸,专家建议从天然的植物性食物 (如:针叶樱桃) 中摄取维生素 C 是较理想的选择。
The body requires vitamin C to function but cannot produce it, so vitamin C has to be obtained from dietary sources. However, experts suggest that it is better to obtain vitamin C from wholesome plant foods, such as acerola cherry, than from supplement pills.

证据显示,含有维生索 C 的抗氧化剂药丸无法提供天然植物所蕴含的营养,而且还具有副作用。植物中的营养 (如:维生素 C) 一旦被分离出来且过量使用,便会被氧化并干扰正常的免疫反应。相反地,当食用含有维生素 C 的水果时,就等同于摄取了对身体有益的抗氧化剂、纤维和其他营养。
Evidence shows that antioxidant pills that contain vitamin C cannot provide all the nutrients found in wholesome plants and can cause toxic side effects. When extracted from whole foods and used in excess, nutrients such as vitamin C may interfere with normal immune response. On the other hand, eating fruits that contain vitamin C also provides antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body.

研究也建议,天然植物性食物中的维生素 C 比合成的维生素 C 更容易被人体吸收。研究发现,针叶樱桃粉末中维生素 C 的生物利用度比合成的维生素 C 的高 1.63 倍。
Research also suggests that the body absorbs vitamin C from wholesome plant foods more readily than vitamin C from synthetic sources. Vitamin C in acerola powder is 1.63 times more bioavailable than synthetically produced vitamin C.

Acerola cherries are an excellent source of many nutrients: bioflavonoids, rutin, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and potassium. Acerola cherries also have antifungal and antibacterial properties.

丰富的维生素 C
A Burst of Vitamin C

针叶樱桃是浓缩的天然维生素 C 来源,每 100 克的针叶樱桃含有 1,677 毫克的维生素 C。维生素 C 是强效的抗氧化剂,也是保护血液对抗氧化作用的第一道防线。除此之外,维生素 C 也能抑制“坏”胆固醇。
Acerola cherries are concentrated sources of natural vitamin C, with 1,677 mg of vitamin C in every 100 g. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is the blood's first line of defense against oxidation. It also helps to inhibit the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol.

在一项试管实验中,科学家们发现维生素 C 比谷胱甘肽 (由身体制造或可在一些食物中寻获的一种有效抗氧化剂) 更有效地增加内皮细跑抵抗氧化压力的功能。细跑中的维生素 C 也能促进被氧化的谷胱甘肽复原。100 克的针叶樱桃提供 2,796% 人体每日所需的维生素 C,保护细跑免受氧化伤害。此外,针叶樱桃比橙汁的维生素 C 高 33 倍或超过 3,000%。
Scientists found that vitamin C was more effective than glutathione (a potent antioxidant that is made by the body and found in some foods) in increasing endothelial cells' resistance to oxidative stress in vitro. Vitamin C in cells also enhanced glutathione recovery after oxidative challenge. One hundred grams of acerola cherries provide a whopping 2,796% of the body's daily vitamin C requirement, protecting cells against oxidative damage. What's more, acerola cherries contain more than 33 times (or over 3,000%) the amount of vitamin C in orange juice.

Enhancing Health

针叶樱桃是儿童发育的理想食物。在一项研究中,与同龄和同重量的其他幼儿相比,饮用苹果汁搭配针叶樱桃的幼儿,成长和发育都处于平均水平或更好水平,血液中的维生素 C 高于平均水准。针叶樱桃加苹果汁不会引起过敏反应 (橙汁较容易引起过敏反应),是橙汁之外的理想选择。
Acerola cherries may be just what children need for good development. In one study, infants who consumed apple juice supplemented with acerola had above-average or average growth and development for their ages and weights. Vitamin C blood levels were also above average for all infants. No allergic reactions occurred, making acerola mixed with apple juice a good alternative to orange juice, which triggers allergic reactions more easily.

Protecting Joints

在英国,科学家们发现最少摄取膳食性维生素 C 的人罹患炎性多关节炎  (涉及五个或以上关节的类风湿性关节炎) 的风险,比那些较多摄取维生素 C 的人高出超过 3 倍。因此,摄取富含维生素 C 的植物性食物如针叶樱桃,能帮助保护关节。
In the UK, scientists found that those with the lowest intakes of dietary vitamin C had more than three times the risk of developing inflammatory polyarthritis (a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving five or more joints) than those who consumed the most vitamin C. Hence, consuming vitamin C-rich plant foods such as acerola cherries can help protect the joints.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist