蓝莓 Blueberry


Blueberries are tiny, but they are mighty, disease-fighting warriors. Brimming with health-promoting compounds, they provide a delicious boost to the heart, immune system, brain, eyes, and musculoskeletal system.

Boosting the Immune System

自由基 (一类不稳定的氧分子) 所造成的细胞损伤,会削弱人体的免疫系统,也与衰老和心血管疾病、癌症等慢性疾病有关。蓝莓是大自然中的瑰宝,其丰富的天然抗氧化剂能中和体内的自由基,保护身体免受自由基的伤害。蓝莓是最丰富的抗氧化剂来源之一,更是支援免疫系统的强大能量。
Cell damage caused by unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals weakens the immune system. This damage is also linked to aging and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. Blueberries are nature's wonders, bursting with the goodness of antioxidants to protect the body by neutralizing free radicals. They are one of the richest sources of antioxidants, making them a powerful supporter of the immune system.

美国农业部人类营养研究中心 (USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging) 的资料显示,蓝莓是抗氧化活性最高的水果。100 克新鲜蓝莓的抗氧化功效,相当于 5 份蔬果的抗氧化功效。
Based on data from the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, blueberries are among the fruits with the highest antioxidant activity. Just 100 g of fresh blueberries can deliver the antioxidant capacity of five servings of some fruits and vegetables.

蓝莓所含的丰富抗氧化剂包括花青素、β - 胡萝卜素、维生素 A 和 E、鞣花酸、酚类化合物以及白藜芦醇。花青素是使蓝莓呈现蓝色的一种天然植物色素,这种强效的抗氧化剂能为身体提供有效的健康助益,而每 100 克蓝莓就含有 25 至 497 毫克的花青素。白藜芦醇不仅是一种强效的抗氧化剂,其抗氧化功能比维生素 C 高 20 倍,同时也能与维生素 C 相互协调、加强彼此的功效。
Blueberries contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins, beta-carotene, vitamins A and E, ellagic acid, phenolic compounds, and resveratrol. Anthocyanins, the pigments that make blueberries blue, are potent antioxidants that offer major health benefits. Every 100 g of blueberries has 25-497 mg of anthocyanins. Resveratrol is more than just a powerful antioxidant (about 20 times more potent than vitamin C). It also acts synergistically with vitamin C, which means that they enhance each other's effects.

Supporting Heart and Liver Health

蓝莓也能完美地保护心脏,其高效抗氧化活性能降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL,“坏”胆固醇) 的囤积,从而预防心血管疾病和中风。血液凝块会阻塞血管,进而导致心脏病和中风;蓝莓的白藜芦醇具有抗凝血作用,能预防血液凝结成块。
Keep your heart happy with blueberries. Thanks to their high antioxidant activity, blueberries help reduce the buildup of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, thereby preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke. Resveratrol in blueberries has an anticoagulant effect that prevents the formation of blood clots that may block blood vessels and cause heart attacks and stroke.

Blueberries are also a ready source of pterostilbene. Scientists have discovered pterostilbene has immense potential for inhibiting LDL cholesterol, thus lessening the burden on the liver. Removing LDL cholesterol from the blood is one of the liver's vital functions.

Experimental studies show that diets containing blueberry extract lower blood pressure. Phytochemicals in blueberries strengthen blood vessels and help treat varicose veins and spider veins.

Helping to Prevent Cancer

多汁味美的蓝莓富含超过 40 种具有高效抗氧化活性、有益健康的天然化合物,能降低罹患某些癌症的风险。科学研究显示,蓝莓紫檀芪能有效地预防乳癌,蓝莓叶酸盐则有助于预防子宫颈癌。食用蓝莓也能降低罹患肝癌的风险。研究人员在一项实验中发现,蓝莓中的酚醛酸和花青素能抑制 50% 肝癌细胞的生长。蓝莓白藜芦醇和鞣花酸也有显著的防癌功效,同时具有延缓老化的作用。
These juicy orbs contain more than 40 healthful compounds with high antioxidant activity that may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Scientific research shows that pterostilbene in blueberries has immense potential in breast cancer prevention. Folate in blueberries may help guard against cervical cancer. Consuming blueberries may reduce liver cancer risk. Researchers found that the phenolic acids and anthocyanins in blueberries inhibited the growth of liver cancer cells by 50%. Resveratrol and ellagic acid in blueberries have shown significant anticancer effects and may delay the aging process.

Protecting Brain Cells

Free radicals speed up the aging of brain cells, which can lead to memory loss and impaired balance and coordination. Evidence is mounting that blueberries, with their high antioxidant content, may help improve memory, intelligence, and coordination. They may even reverse memory loss!

《农业与食品化学期刊》中的一项研究测试了蓝莓增强记忆力的功效。一群 70 岁左右患有早期记忆衰退的志愿人士连续两个月每天喝两杯至两杯半的蓝莓饮料,而一群对照组的人则没有蓝莓的饮料。实验结果证明,喝蓝莓饮料的人在学习与记忆力测试中有明显的进步。另一项实验也发现,每天吃一杯蓝莓的人在运动技巧测试中的表现,比对照组的人好 5-6%。
A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that one group of volunteers in their 70s with early memory decline drank the equivalent of 2-2.5 cups of a commercially available blueberry juice every day for two months. A control group drank a beverage without blueberry juice. The blueberry juice group showed significant improvement on learning and memory tests. Another study showed that people who ate a cup of blueberries a day performed 5%-6% better on motor skills tests than the control group.

蓝莓也含有槲皮素。槲皮素能有效保护脑细胞免受自由基的伤害,从而预防痴呆症。一篇刊登在《农业与食品化学期刊》的研究发现,皮素能保护老鼠大脑免受过氧化氢 (一种自由基) 的伤害。
Blueberries are rich in quercetin. Quercetin has been found to be particularly effective in protecting brain cells from free radical damage that can lead to dementia. One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that quercetin protected rats' brains from damage due to exposure to hydrogen peroxide, a free radical.

Research at the University of Reading has found that phytochemical-rich foods, such as blueberries, can reverse age-related memory decline and may have implications for the treatment of diseases associated with age (such as Alzheimer's disease). Published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, the research shows that supplementing a regular diet with blueberries results in improvements in memory.

Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects to help prevent abnormal deterioration of the nervous system.

Improving Vision

Anthocyanins, the powerful antioxidants in blueberries, protect plants from being harmed by free radicals produced by sunlight. This effect benefits plants, but humans can also benefit from anthocyanins' protective abilities when they eat anthocyanin-rich blueberries.

Experimental studies have shown anthocyanins' protective effects on the retina. Rats and rabbits that were fed blueberries had significantly reduced retinal damage compared to placebo groups.

而对于长时间面对电脑的人,更应该多摄取蓝莓!根据日本研究人员 1999 年的调查结果显示,蓝莓不仅能舒缓双眼疲意,还有助于改善弱视。摄取蓝莓能增加眼睛微血管的血液循环,减少这些组织中的氧化作用,保护视力。蓝莓也被认为对预防糖尿病性视网膜病变 (由糖尿病引起的视网膜疾病) 尤其有效。此外,它也有助于预防夜盲症、白内障和黄斑性病变 (一种与年龄有关、导致老年人丧失视力的主要眼疾)。
Individuals who spend long periods staring at computer screens should eat more blueberries. According to Japanese research, blueberries ease eye fatigue and improve weak eyesight. Blueberry consumption increases circulation of the capillaries of the eyes, which reduces oxidation in these tissues. This action benefits eyesight. It is thought to be especially helpful in preventing diabetic retinopathy, a disease of the retina due to diabetes mellitus, as well as night blindness, cataracts, and macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that is the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly.

蓝莓中的叶黄素和其他一些属维生素 A 的天然化合物能促进夜视能力和预防黃斑性病变
Blueberries contain lutein and other natural compounds related to vitamin A, and they promote healthy night vision and prevent macular degeneration.

Fortifying Bones and Muscles

蓝莓里的锰 (一种对身体化学反应非常重要的微量元素) 有助于强化骨骼。研究显示,蓝莓中的锦葵花素苷有助于缓解由氧化压力所造成的肌肉损伤。蓝莓含有类黄酮,能帮助强健结缔组织。
Blueberries contain manganese, an essential trace mineral important for many chemical reactions in the body. Manganese also aids in keeping bones strong. Studies show that malvidin glycosides in blueberries may be beneficial in alleviating muscle damage caused by oxidative stress. Blueberries contain flavonoids, which help strengthen connective tissue.

Anti-allergy Effect

此外,蓝莓能有效地减少身体制造炎性物质组织胺 (造成敏感症状)。
Blueberries reduce the production of histamines, which are the inflammatory substances the body produces that are responsible for allergy symptoms.

Promoting Urinary Tract Health

研究发现,蓝莓中的植物营养素 —— 原花青素,能促进泌尿道的健康,预防大肠杆菌黏附在泌尿道壁上,以减少泌尿道受感染的风险。
Research shows that phytochemicals in blueberries called proanthocyanidins prevent urinary tract infections by inhibiting E. coli bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist