仙人掌 Cactus

Cactus/Cactus Fruit

仙人掌是少数能在沙漠中存活的强韧植物。对墨西哥人而言,仙人掌具有象征希望与生命的特殊地位,且被广泛地运用于日常饮食和医疗中。在中国,《本草纲目拾遗》一书更记载: “仙人掌味淡性寒,行气活血,清热解事、消肿止痛、健脾止泻、安神利尿,可内服外用治疗多种疾病";仙人掌的热量和钠含量都极低,其卓越的营养价值更是备受世界各地的肯定!
Cactus is an amazingly strong plant that can survive in the harsh desert. The Mexican people view it as a beautiful symbol of life and hope, and they use it widely for food and medicine. Cactus is also highly regarded in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Written during the Qing Dynasty, Beng Cao Gang Mu Shi Yi (A Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica) recorded that cactus has a mild taste and is cold in nature, can promote the flow of qi (vital energy) and blood circulation, is cooling and detoxifying, can reduce swelling and relieve pain, strengthens the spleen and stops diarrhea, is soothing and a diuretic, and can be used both externally and internally to treat many diseases. Moreover, it is low in calories and sodium. The excellent nutritional value of cactus is recognized across different cultures around the world.

仙人掌的果实表皮长满了刺钩,难以采收且生长期漫长、产量稀少。如同仙人掌需要极长的生长时间,仙人掌果实也需要至少 4 年的生长时间才得以成熟且富含营养
The cactus fruit has a prickly exterior. Apart from its rarity, the cactus fruit is difficult to harvest and requires a long growing period. Like the cactus, the cactus fruit needs a minimum of four years to grow and ripen before its nutrients can be tapped.

Strenuous Harvesting Process

Cactus has a long history of use as an ornamental plant and as food. Despite its prickly exterior, cactus has soft and succulent flesh and is very rich in phytochemicals and minerals.

It is very important to choose the right species and right parts of the cactus. Within the thick, waxy cuticle of the cactus stem, for example, there is a thick membrane that helps prevent water loss from the cactus. Consuming this membrane in large amounts produces a laxative effect. Once cactus gel has been isolated from the interior of the cactus, it must be filtered to remove the seeds and cellulose and then processed into liquid form. Upon removal, the gel of the cactus oxidizes rapidly. Therefore, processing must take place immediately after the gel has been extracted from the cactus to produce the purest and most delicious extract possible.

Even the harvesting hour can be critical. Research shows that it is best to harvest cactus pads earlier in the day because the acidity is the lowest at that time, which is better for health. During processing, it is best to avoid overheating cactus. Excessive heat may reduce nutrient content and degrade fiber content.

Ample knowledge and skilled technique are needed to process cactus through a series of complex steps before it can be eaten. Plus, it has to be done quickly and carefully to maintain optimal nutritional value. After removing the spines and skin, the cactus gel has to be quickly filtered to remove unwanted substances. The cactus gel has to further undergo particle filtration, microfiltration, and ultrafiltration before it is clean, pure, concentrated, and easily absorbed by the human body.

Excellent Nutritional Value

仙人掌萃取物所蕴含的丰富营养对人体有诸多裨益,如丰富的 β-胡萝卜素、维生素 C、钾、镁、钙和铁。它更含有高量且多种类的植物营养素、多醣体及抗氧化剂。
Cactus extract is rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It is also abundant in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.

仙人掌还含有大量的氨基酸,包括脯氨酸和牛磺酸;在 2000 年以前,牛磺酸更是不曾在其他植物中被发现!仙人掌还含有很多人体无法制造的主要氨基酸;组胺酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸以及缬氨酸。氨基酸有助于人体内的多种化学反应。很少植物像仙人掌一样,含有如此丰富多样的氨基酸。
Cactus has high levels of amino acids, including proline and taurine. Prior to 2000, when taurine was found to be in cactus, it had not been discovered in any other plants! Cactus also contains essential amino acids not manufactured by the human body: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, and valine. The amino acids aid in multiple chemical reactions in the body. It is rare that a plant contains as many amino acids as cactus.

Potent Antioxidant and Toxicity Reducer

研究显示,仙人掌和其果实高含量的营养和抗氧化剂能帮助预防 DNA 受损,能有效对抗和抑制自由基的生成。如: 类黄酮是仙人掌富含的植物营养素群,它可以保护神经细胞对抗氧化伤害。β-胡萝卜素同样赋予仙人掌高抗氧化活性。而仙人掌果实的抗氧化活性,更比维生素 C 高出 7 倍!
Research indicates that the high levels of nutrients and antioxidants in cactus and cactus fruit can help prevent DNA damage, and effectively inhibit and fight against free radical formation. For example, cactus is abundant in flavonoids, a group of phytochemicals that can help protect neurons against oxidative injury. Beta-carotene contributes to the high antioxidant activity in cactus. The antioxidant activity of cactus fruit is said to be seven times more powerful than that of vitamin C!

仙人掌萃取物除了可减少氧化作用的伤害,更能降低由玉米烯酮 (一种大量存在于农作物和植物油中的毒素) 对肝脏和肾脏产生的毒性作用。一项研究指出,在两个星期内每天摄取 500 克的仙人掌果实,能够改善健康人体的氧化压力状态。
Cactus extract reduces oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity that occur as a result of zearalenone, a toxin that occurs in high levels in many foodstuffs such as crops and vegetable oils. In one study, supplementing with 500 g of cactus fruit daily for two weeks improved the oxidative stress status of healthy humans.

Cancer Fighter

仙人掌内的植物营养素能帮助抵御艳阳中紫外线的伤害以利其生存。对人体而言,这些植物营养素能有效阻止癌细胞形成的不同过程,同时滋养免疫系统,预防疾病。而仙人掌中的抗氧化剂,能抑制自由基,并增强吞噬细胞的活性。多醣体则能提高免疫力,增强自然杀手细胞活性,抑制肿瘤生长。仙人掌中的多醣体包括仙人掌黏液和果胶多醣 (如 Rhamnogalacturonan-I)。
Phytochemicals in cactus protect the plant from UV damage and ensure its survival. These same phytochemicals are also highly beneficial to the human body because they help inhibit different tumor formation processes and nourish the immune system to prevent disease. Antioxidants in cactus can inhibit the formation of free radicals and enhance phagocytic activity. Polysaccharides can boost immunity, increase NK cell activity, and inhibit tumor formation. Polysaccharides in cactus include cactus mucilage and pectic polysaccharides (e.g., rhamnogalacturonan-I).

实验证实,仙人掌萃取物可以提高免疫系统对抗致癌 EB 病毒 (Epstein-Barr virus) 的能力。仙人掌汁则被证实能够提升自然杀手细胞的活性,进而可以阻止一个或多个引发肿瘤生长的机能。仙人掌中蕴含的植物营养素类黄酮更具有强效抗氧化、抗炎和抗病毒的作用,不仅能预防致癌荷尔蒙吸附在正常细胞上,还可以抑制癌细胞转移所需的酶反应。
Research shows that cactus extract can increase immune efficiency in fighting the cancer-causing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Cactus juice can increase NK cell activity to stop one or more of the mechanisms that lead to tumor development. One group of phytochemicals, called flavonoids, is abundant in cactus and has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. They prevent cancer-causing hormones from attaching to normal cells and inhibit enzymes responsible for cancer cell metastasis.

在试验研究中,被喂食了仙人掌萃取液的动物,抵抗肿瘤和 EB 病毒的免疫力明显增强。
Experimental studies showed that animals fed with cactus extract had increased immunity against tumor formation and EBV.

Cardiovascular Health Benefits

Found in cactus, proline and taurine, are of particular interest. Proline aids in collagen formation, atherosclerosis prevention, and tissue repair. Taurine helps to combat heart disease, protect against diabetes, lower high blood pressure, and decrease anxiety.

此外,仙人掌萃取物能有效降低胆固醇和三酸甘油酯,减少低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (“坏”胆固醇),并能防止高血糖,稳定糖尿病患者的血糖值 (如帮助 2-型糖尿病患者降低血糖),促进心血管的健康。
Furthermore, cactus extract helps to decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol), prevent high blood sugar levels, stabilize diabetics' blood sugar levels (for example, by lowering the blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients), and promote cardiovascular health.

在墨西哥医院主持的一项研究中,科学家们发现仙人掌能降低糖尿病患者的血糖值高达 19.8%。另一项研究指出,如果糖尿病患者每天食用体重百万分之一重量的仙人掌萃取物,他们的血糖就可能得到控制。
A study conducted in a Mexican hospital showed that cactus might lower the glucose level of diabetics by as much as 19.8%. In another study, the researchers concluded that blood sugar in diabetics can be controlled by using cactus daily with a dosage of 1 mg/kg body weight.

Inflammation Inhibitor

仙人掌中的抗炎物质 beta-谷甾醇 (beta-sitosterol),可帮助伤口愈合。科学家使用含有 15% 仙人掌萃取物外敷测试,发现仙人掌所含有的植物营养素可以抑制发炎,加速组织再生,刺激成纤维细胞 (帮助伤口愈合的细胞) 移至受伤区域,加速胶原的形成和新血管的成长。而仙人掌被割破时渗出来的黏液,则可以透过调控巨噬细胞 (多工免疫细胞) 功能,来加速伤口愈合和均衡免疫系统。
Cactus contains beta-sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that aids in wound healing. Scientists tested a topical application that consisted of 15% cactus extract and found that phytochemicals in cactus accelerated tissue regeneration by inhibiting inflammation, stimulating the creation of new blood vessels, and stimulating fibroblasts (cells that aid in wound healing) to move to the wound area and speed up collagen formation. Cactus mucilage (the sticky juice that oozes out when cactus is sliced) contributes to wound healing and immune system regulation by modulating the functions of macrophages (multitasking immune cells).

In experimental studies, cactus extract was able to significantly inhibit arthritic inflammation through its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Protection for the Stomach and Gastrointestinal Tract

Pectin in cactus coats the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, thereby helping to provide relief from digestive problems.

Skin Improvement

Cactus is not only regarded as one of the most perfect foods in nature, but it also plays a significant role in skin protection. Research shows that when applied to skin, cactus extract acts as a moisturizer and helps prevent water evaporation from the stratum corneum layer, thereby improving the skin's barrier function. In addition, phytochemicals in cactus help to speed up collagen formation.

仙人掌果实含有高量的维生素 A、B1、B12、D3 及核黄素,能促进肌肤细胞的修复与更新、增强肌肤的柔软度,显著改善肤质和外观。
Cactus fruit is high in vitamins A, B1, B12, D3, and riboflavin. The fruit can help to promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin, and significantly improve the skin's condition and appearance.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist