冬虫夏草菌丝体 Cordyceps Mycelium

Cordyceps sinensis/Cordyceps Mycelium

High up in the mountains of China grows one of the most valued mushrooms: Cordyceps sinensis. Growing in trying conditions has endowed Cordyceps sinensis with resilient qualities, and eating it can increase one's vigor and tenacity. 

几个世纪以来,中医都把冬虫夏草用作调节呼吸系统和改善肾脏功能的圣品。中国清代医书《本草从新》记载: “冬虫夏草甘平保肺,益肾,补精髓,止血化痰,已劳咳,治膈症皆良。” 它是一种延年益寿、滋补健身的养生补品。
For centuries, Cordyceps sinensis has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to improve respiratory health and nourish the kidneys. According to the book Beng Cao Cong Xin (New Compilation of Materia Medica), written during the Qing Dynasty, Cordyceps sinensis helps to protect the lungs and is beneficial for the kidneys. It replenishes vital energy, helps to stop bleeding, and reduces phlegm. It also helps to relieve cough and ease swallowing. Cordyceps sinensis has long been regarded to possess capabilities to nourish the body and promote longevity.

很久很久以前 ...
Long, Long Ago ...

The story goes that Cordyceps sinensis was first discovered by yak herders in the Himalayas of ancient Tibet and Nepal. They observed that their yaks became more energetic after eating an unusual mushroom that grew from the bodies of dead caterpillars. 

The yak herders took the finger-shaped, capless mushroom back to their tribe. After eating the mushroom, the tribespeople became more energetic and were less prone to respiratory and other diseases. The fame of Cordyceps sinensis spread quickly throughout China. Thereafter, this rare and precious mushroom was used only in the emperor's palace. 

Wild Cordyceps sinensis is still highly prized (and priced) today because it is so difficult to harvest. 

Winter Worm, Summer Grass

The intriguing life cycle of Cordyceps sinensis begins when Asian caterpillars rub against or eat cordyceps spores by chance. When winter approaches, the caterpillars burrow underground and wrap themselves in silken cocoons. The mushroom spores germinate while the caterpillars sleep and eventually die. The mushrooms grow, using the caterpillars' bodies as sustenance. 

来年春天,真菌从虫子的头部长出来,伸出地面,像一片刀刃或是一根长着圆圆脑袋、长长头颈的小草,散布它的孢子以便让其他蝙蝠蛾幼虫能够发现。这就是为什么中文称其为 “冬虫夏草”,简称“虫草”。
In spring, the mushrooms grow above ground and out of the caterpillars' heads, looking like blades or twigs with round heads and long necks, releasing their spores for other caterpillars to find. This is why Cordyceps sinensis is also known in Chinese as dong cong xia cao (winter worm, summer grass") or cong cao in short. 

Nutrient Powerhouse

Hailed as a potent medicinal mushroom, the efficacy of Cordyceps sinensis may lie in the synergistic effects of its polysaccharides, cordycepin, cordycepic acid, adenosine, amino acids, and ergosterol. 


冬虫夏草富含多醣体。研究显示冬虫夏草具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤和抗炎的功效,可以有效调节免疫功能,从而防止癌症的扩散,降低血脂。科学家还发现冬虫夏草含有的多醣体具有很强的抗氧化作用,可以保护细胞免受自由基的伤害。冬虫夏草的多醣体也对肝纤维化 (肝脏纤维结缔组织的过度沉积,会损害肝功能) 有益。
Cordyceps sinensis is rich in polysaccharides. Research shows that cordyceps polysaccharides have antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory effects, and they may regulate immune functions, thereby preventing the spread of cancer and lowering blood lipid levels. Scientists have discovered a Cordyceps sinensis polysaccharide that has strong antioxidant activity that protects against the damaging effects of free radicals. There is also a cordyceps polysaccharide that is beneficial for liver fibrosis (the accumulation of tough, fibrous scar tissue in the liver that can impair liver function). 

Cordycepin and Cordycepic Acid

虫草素和虫草酸是强化肺功能的活性复合物,可以提升精力。虫草素具有调节免疫系统、抗癌、抗病毒和抗感染的作用。研究证实,虫草素可以促使人体口腔鳞状癌细胞 OEC-M1 的凋亡,并且可治疗炎症引发的相关疾病。近年来,世界各地对虫草素的应用研究皆非常重视。美国国家癌症研究所 (National Cancer Institute) 已将虫草素列为 18 种抗癌新药之一进行开发研究多年。美国《科学报告》(Scientific Reports) 期刊的研究亦证实了冬虫夏草优异的抗炎功效。
Cordycepin and cordycepic acid are believed to be the active compounds that boost lung function and vitality. Cordycepin has immunoregulatory, anticancer, antiviral, and anti-infection activities. Studies show that cordycepin significantly induces cell apoptosis (death) in OEC-M1, a human oral squamous cancer cell line, and has the potential to treat inflammation-associated disorders. In recent years, many countries are putting serious effort into researching cordycepin. The U.S. National Cancer Institute is studying cordycepin as one of 18 new anticancer treatments. A report published in Scientific Reports also highlights the excellent anti-inflammatory properties of Cordyceps sinensis


腺苷对于冠状动脉和血液循环都非常有利,可以预防心律不整 (心跳不规则),维护神经组织功能。
Adenosine has widespread benefits on coronary and cerebral circulation. These benefits can help prevent cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and sustain nerve tissue functions. 

Amino Acids

氨基酸是构成人体蛋白质的基本物质。骨骼、组织和细胞的成长、复原及修复都离不开蛋白质。冬虫夏草中的氨基酸含量超过 20%,这就解释了为何冬虫夏草具有滋补和强化免疫系统的功能。冬虫夏草还含有 L-甘-L-脯环二肽 [cyclo- (L-glycyl-L-prolyl)],内含氨基酸成分,具有抗癌和增强免疫系统的功效。
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Protein is essential for the growth, healing, and repair of bones, tissues, and cells. Over 20% of amino acids can be found in Cordyceps sinensis and their abundance could explain this mushroom's strengthening and immunity-enhancing effects. Cyclo-(L-glycyl-L-prolyl), which is in Cordyceps sinensis and contains amino acids, has antitumor and immunity-boosting properties. 


Ergosterol is a special component in fungi. It exhibits antitumor, antiviral, and immunomodulatory activities. 

Immune System

Cordyceps sinensis can empower a weak immune system and soothe it when it is overactive. This means it can be beneficial for both immune and autoimmune disorders (for example, cancer and lupus). 

冬虫夏草具有强大的抗癌功能,可以延缓癌细胞的扩散。研究显示冬虫夏草萃取物可以抑制直肠癌细胞在体内的增殖。冬虫夏草也可以控制癌细胞分裂和增强免疫系统中 T 细胞和巨噬细胞破坏入侵者的功能。一项实验研究证实,冬虫夏草中的胞外多醣可以明显抑制肿瘤的生长,并具有提升免疫细胞的活性。
This mushroom has immense potential in the fight against cancer. It can delay the spread of cancer cells. Research shows that a Cordyceps sinensis extract can suppress the increase of colon cancer cells in vitro. Cordyceps sinensis can also control the division of cancer cells and empower T cells and macrophages to kill invaders. An experimental study found that an exopolysaccharide fraction from Cordyceps sinensis greatly suppressed tumor growth and increased immune cell activity. 

接受放射疗法、化学治疗或外科手术的病人,以及长期患病的人都可以透过服食冬虫夏草强化免疫系统。研究显示,冬虫夏草可以缓和化疗和放疗所造成的不良反应,如骨髓及肠受伤、白血球減少症 (白血球数极低的一种异常现象),以及肺纤维化 (肺部受到伤害而引起呼吸困难)。
Cordyceps sinensis also strengthens immunocompromised individuals, such as those who have undergone radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery or who have extended periods of illness. Experimental models show that Cordyceps sinensis may alleviate some side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, such as bone marrow and intestinal injuries, leukopenia (an abnormally low number of white blood cells), and pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lungs that makes breathing difficult). 

在一项实验研究中,冬虫夏草中的 H1-A 可有效地延缓受试对象的狼疮 (一种自体免疫性疾病) 的生长。而且,食用冬虫夏草与没有食用冬虫夏草的受试对象具有明显的差异,食用冬虫夏草的受试对象分泌的 lgG-anti-ds DNA (一种可以破坏细胞的自身抗体) 逐渐减少,淋巴结病或淋巴结肿胀减少,蛋白尿病 (尿液中含有过量的血清蛋白质,可视为是肾脏出现问题的信号) 得到缓解,肾脏功能也得到了改善。
In an experimental study, subjects given H1-A, a constituent of Cordyceps sinensis, enjoyed a significantly delayed progression of lupus (an autoimmune disease) compared to controls. In addition, the subjects given H1-A had decreased secretions of IgG anti-dsDNA, an autoantibody that can damage cells; fewer diseased or swollen lymph nodes; slower buildup of excess serum proteins in the urine, which can be a sign of kidney problems; and improved kidney function. 

Antioxidant Activity

自由基的破坏会导致老化和产生某些疾病。抗氧化剂也被认为是自由基清除剂,可以降低自由基对身体的破坏。冬虫夏草可以大量地增加超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD) 和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的数量。它们是人体内两种强大的抗氧化酶,可以有效地抑制肝脏中自由基的损害。科学家们认为多酚、类黄酮和多醣体是让冬虫夏草具有抗氧化功能的部分原因。
Free radical damage has been linked to aging and certain diseases. Antioxidants, also known as free radical scavengers, reduce free radical damage. Cordyceps sinensis greatly increases the amount of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase —— two powerful antioxidant enzymes in the body —— and inhibits free radical damage in the liver. Scientists think the antioxidant activities of Cordyceps sinensis may be partly due to its polyphenols, flavonoids, and polysaccharides. 

Energy and Stamina

1993年,三位中国女性在全国运动会上打破纪录,使得冬虫夏草一举吸引全球普罗大众的注意。其中一位运动员刷新了 10,000 米赛跑的世界纪录,比原有的世界纪录惊人地快了 42 秒。教练将她的好成绩部分归功于冬虫夏草。
Cordyceps sinensis catapulted to international fame when three women's track-and-field world records were broken at the 1993 National Games in China. One athlete broke the previous world record for the 10,000-meter race by an amazing 42 seconds. The coach attributed the wins to the athletes' taking Cordyceps sinensis during training.

这并不是一个独立的个案。《美国临床营养学》的一项研究测试了 110 名健康但没有运动习惯的人。在实验开始前,每位参与者都测试了骑车能够行驶的最远距离。之后一半测试者每天服食冬虫夏草,而另一半则服食安慰剂。12 个星期后,服食冬虫夏草的人的骑车距离至比原先增加了 2.8%,而服食安慰剂的人骑车距离比原先更短。
This was no isolated incident. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tested the stamina of 110 healthy but inactive adults. The adults cycled for as long as they could at the beginning of the study. Then, half of the participants were given Cordyceps sinensis each day and the other half were given a placebo. After 12 weeks, the cordyceps group members cycled 2.8% further than they originally did, but the placebo group members were not able to match their original distance. 

一项研究成果为这个结果提供了解释。研究发现,冬虫夏草可以增加肝脏中三磷酸腺苷 (在肌肉中储存和释放能量的分子) 与无机磷酸盐 (导致肌肉疲倦的主要原因) 的比例,将这个数值提高 45% 至 55%,从而使运动表现得到提升。
Studies provide an explanation for this. They reveal that Cordyceps sinensis boosts exercise performance by increasing the ratio of adenosine triphosphate (a molecule that stores and releases energy in the muscle) to inorganic phosphate (a major cause of muscle fatigue) in the liver by 45% to 55%. 

冬虫夏草也可以提高氧气利用率,一项由 30 位健康老年人参与的研究显示,食用冬虫夏草可以使他们每分钟的氧气吸入量从 1.88 升增加至 2 升,而服食安慰剂的老年人则没有改进。
Cordyceps sinensis also improves breathing, as shown by a test on 30 healthy, elderly patients. Taking Cordyceps sinensis raised oxygen intake from 1.88 to 2 liters per minute; those who took the placebo showed no improvement. 

Scientists report that chronic fatigue sufferers have an unusual form of adrenal insufficiency. Cordyceps sinensis may provide them with some relief because it helps the adrenal cortex to function better.

冬虫夏草是一种调理素,可增加对抗压力的能力,平衡身体的功能。冬虫夏草能滋养身体的下丘脑 - 垂体 - 肾上腺轴 (HPA 轴)。HPA 轴是神经内分泌系统,会产生化学信号调控和应对压力反应。冬虫夏草可透过阻止这类化学信号的传送来舒缓 HPA 轴,从而让身体平静安宁。
Cordyceps sinensis is an adaptogen: it builds resilience against stress and keeps body functions in balance. Cordyceps sinensis nourishes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA axis is a neuroendocrine system that produces chemical messages in response to stress. Its messages trigger negative emotions. Cordyceps sinensis calms the HPA axis, which then stops sending those messages, and individuals can be calmer as a result. 


胆固醇堆积在血管壁上形成斑块时,血流量会降低并且可能引发动脉硬化,从而增加罹患心脏病和中风的风险。冬虫夏草可以降低血液黏度,从而减少累积在胆固醇血小板的数量,帮助预防动脉硬化。一项研究显示,冠心病患者每天食用冬虫夏草三个月后,血液黏度明显下降,总胆固醇也下降了 21%。
The risk of heart disease and stroke increases when fatty cholesterol deposits called plaques form on artery walls, reducing blood flow and causing atherosclerosis. Cordyceps sinensis helps prevent atherosclerosis by making blood less viscous, which results in fewer platelets getting obstructed by plaques. In one study, coronary heart disease patients took Cordyceps sinensis each day for three months. Their blood viscosity dropped, as did their cholesterol — by 21%! 

临床研究指出,冬虫夏草可以强化心脏,减缓心跳速度,增加对人体有益的胆固醇 (HDL),而减低对人体有害的胆固醇 (LDL)。在一次冬虫夏草和胆固醇的大型研究活动中,273 名病人每天服食冬虫夏草 3 次,8周后胆固醇指数平均下降了17%。
Clinical studies have shown that Cordyceps sinensis can increase the heart's strength, slow the pulse, raise the amount of HDL ("good") cholesterol, and reduce the amount of LDL ("bad") cholesterol. In the biggest study investigating Cordyceps sinensis' effects on cholesterol, 273 patients took Cordyceps sinensis thrice daily. After eight weeks, patients enjoyed an average 17% decrease in cholesterol levels. 

在广州医学院的一次临床试验中,38 名老年病人持续 3 个月每天服食 3 次冬虫夏草。24 名患有心室上心律不整的病人,其中 20 名的情况得到改善。3 名心脏神经系统右支完全堵塞的病人的病情也有所好转。研究者认为病人食用冬虫夏草的时间越长,健康状况越能得到改善。
In a clinical trial by Guangzhou Medical College, 38 elderly patients took Cordyceps sinensis daily for three months. Twenty of the 24 patients with supraventricular arrhythmia, a form of irregular heartbeat, exhibited signs of recovery. Three patients who had a complete blockage of the right branch of the cardiac nervous system also found relief. After comparing these results to other studies, researchers concluded that the longer patients take Cordyceps sinensis, the more their health benefited.


中医在治疗呼吸疾病时普遍使用冬虫夏草。北京医学院对超过 50 名哮喘病人进行的临床研究发现,服食冬虫夏草进行治疗的一组病人在 5 天内症状缓解了81%;而另一组以传统的抗组织胺治疗的病人,在 9 天后症状减轻了 61%。
In China, physicians commonly use Cordyceps sinensis for respiratory diseases. A clinical trial at the Beijing Medical University involving over 50 asthma patients found that symptoms in the group treated with Cordyceps sinensis were reduced by 81% in five days. In contrast, symptoms in the group treated with conventional antihistamines were reduced by 61% over nine days. 

中国江西医学院对 35 位慢性支气管炎病人进行了为期 1 个月的实验,90% 食用冬虫夏草的病人情况好转,而没有服食冬虫夏草的病人只有 20% 病情得到改善。食用冬虫夏草的病人肺功能得到显著提升,支气管痉挛、长期咳嗽的症状和气道阻塞发生的次数明显减少。服食冬虫夏草的病人比没有服食者的肺活量高40%。
A one-month trial by Jiangxi Medical College in China treated 35 chronic bronchitis patients with Cordyceps sinensis. Ninety percent of the patients who took it improved versus just 20% of those placed on a placebo. Those on Cordyceps sinensis experienced greatly enhanced lung function. Their breathing capacity became 40% greater than the rest. They also suffered from fewer bronchial spasms, coughing, and airway resistance. 


冬虫夏草被中医广泛认为是一种 “补肾” 圣品。中国研究者发现冬虫夏草对慢性肾衰竭病人有帮助。在对 37 名肾衰竭病人的临床研究中,受试者每天食用 5 克冬虫夏草、连续食用 30 天后,39% 的病人肾脏的过滤功能得到改善。在该实验中,受试者的血液尿素氮降低了 34%;高含量的血液尿素氮是肾病患者的主要症状。病人体内的强效抗氧化剂 SOD 的含量也有所增加。更重要的是,受试者尿液中的蛋白质也下降了 63%,这正是肾功能得到改善的重要标志。
Cordyceps sinensis is widely regarded as a premier kidney tonic in TCM. Researchers in China noted that Cordyceps sinensis could be valuable for chronic renal failure (CRF). In one study, 37 CRF patients took a daily 5-g dose of Cordyceps sinensis for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, tests showed 39% improvement in the kidneys' ability to filter. The study group also showed a 34% drop in blood urea nitrogen levels (kidney disease is often marked by high levels). Patients also enjoyed higher levels of SOD, a strong antioxidant. To top it off, the study group had a 63% decrease in proteins in the urine. Low levels of protein in the urine are a strong sign of kidney function recovery. 

All-around Wonder

With such immense health benefits, Cordyceps sinensis truly deserves its great reputation for invigorating the lungs, nourishing the kidneys, and supporting the immune system for overall vitality and general well-being. 

Did You Know?

Wild Cordyceps sinensis vs. Cultivated Cordyceps Mycelium

Wild Cordyceps sinensis

由于野生的冬虫夏草必须生长在海拔 3、4 千米以上的山区,而且只能在兩季期间采收;再者,冬虫夏草很难被发现,只有当眼睛接近地面时才能搜寻到它的踪迹。
Wild cordyceps grows in mountainous regions, at an altitude of about 3,000 to 4,000 meters above sea level, and can only be harvested during the rainy season. Moreover, cordyceps is very hard to find; one has to keep one's face close to the ground to be able to spot it. 

These harsh growth conditions make wild cordyceps difficult to collect. Despite a huge market demand for it, wild cordyceps is extremely rare and cannot be cultivated. Hence, cordyceps is very expensive. The quality of cordyceps available for sale also tends to vary widely, and the market is flooded with counterfeit cordyceps. However, the general public is unable to differentiate the authenticity and quality of cordyceps. 

In recent years, the market has been filled with cordyceps contaminated by heavy metals in the soil of producing areas as well as cordyceps with lead inserted into it to increase weight and boost profits. These situations pose dangerous health threats to consumers. 

Cultivated cordyceps mycelium

The mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis can be cultivated. This is made possible by separating the mycelia from wild Cordyceps sinensis and culturing them under proper conditions. The mycelium acquired through this method has considerable nutritional value. Only cordyceps mycelium of certain verified species of cordyceps shares similar nutritional value with Cordyceps sinensis

Officially authenticated cordyceps strains

冬虫夏草菌丝体约有 400 种,实际具有营养价值的却只有约 10 种,且不同菌种的营养价值差异悬殊!决定菌丝体营养价值的关键在于其中一种多醣体 —— 虫草素含量的多寡,若虫草素含量不足,对健康等同于没有帮助。
Of over 400 species of cordyceps, only about 10 species have nutritional value, and different species have different nutritional value. The nutritional value of cordyceps is determined by the amount of cordycepin (a polysaccharide) it contains; there is little health benefit if the level of cordycepin is too low.. 

Therefore, only cordyceps strains whose species, source, and cordycepin concentration have been authenticated are of premium quality and have high nutritional value. 

Every cultivation stage is strictly regulated

As the public is unable to determine the quality of cordyceps mycelium, China's Ministry of Agriculture has stipulated strict regulations to maintain the quality of cordyceps, and implemented a license system that prohibits privately cultivated cordyceps mycelium from being sold. Only cordyceps mycelium grown in adherence to this regulation possesses rich amounts of polysaccharides. 

License to cultivate

为保护及合理利用菌种资源,必须先取得由官方核发的 “食用菌菌种生产经营许可证”,才可培植冬虫夏草菌丝体。菌种管理许可证需具备菌种种植的专业知识、技术和设备,不同于一般的生产执照。
Companies must first acquire an official license before they can begin cultivating cordyceps mycelium. Obtaining this license requires professional knowledge of cordyceps strains, technology, and equipment; it is stricter than many other production licenses. 

The following conditions must be met in order to acquire the license: 
  1. 须具备菌种的相关知识。
  2. 须具有专业的培育技术。
  3. 须具有相应的灭菌、接种、培养、贮存等设备和场所。
  4. 须有相应的品质检验仪器和设施。
  5. 培育场地、设备、环境卫生及其他条件须符合 “食用菌菌种生产技术规程”
  6. 须主动向主管机关备案,以备查验。
  1. Must possess relevant knowledge of cordyceps strains. 
  2. Must practice professional cultivation techniques.
  3. Must have the appropriate equipment and premises for proper sterilization, inoculation, cultivation, and storage.
  4. Must possess relevant facilities and equipment to carry out quality testing.
  5. Location, equipment, environmental hygiene, and other conditions must satisfy the technical specifications of the license.
  6. Companies must approach officials with relevant records to prepare for an inspection.
Quality control

培育出来的冬虫夏草菌丝体须通过严谨的菌种品质检验,符合国家规定标准,才能取得 “菌种品质合格证”。这些检验对于菌种品质的要求,包括对温度、湿度、酸碱度、光线、氧气等环境条件的符合,以及栽培过程、栽培人员和检验人员的条件皆有严格要求。
To acquire a certificate of quality, cultivated cordyceps mycelium is subject to rigorous quality inspection and must be in line with national standards. These tests require cultivators to meet standards for quality of cordyceps strains and to adhere to cultivation conditions set for temperature, humidity, pH levels, light, oxygen, and other environmental conditions. There are also strict requirements for the entire cultivation process and the personnel involved in cultivation and quality control. 

License to manufacture

To manufacture food products from cordyceps mycelium, manufacturers are required to provide proof of the source of the cordyceps strain, identification of the strain, and strain quality compliance. They must also provide supporting documents about the processing and manufacturing process in detail, production standardization, and food safety tests before manufacturing can begin. 

Cultivated cordyceps mycelium has many nutritional benefits. Choose manufacturers that adhere to national standards and possess professional knowledge, technology, and facilities to cultivate cordyceps mycelium. This ensures that the cordyceps mycelium obtained is consistently of high quality and high in nutritional value. 

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist