蔓越莓 Cranberry

Cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos)

Cranberries May Extend Lifespan

使用实验模型进行研究后,研究人员发现蔓越莓可能具有延长寿命的功效。研究结果表明,蔓越莓花青素将实验模型的平均寿命显著地延长了 10%。研究人员认为,这种功效是透过调节某些基因和信号通路而得以实现,例如:下调胰岛素受体 (InR) 和雷帕霉素靶蛋白 (TOR) 的信号通路。对 InR 和 TOR 的抑制,与健康的寿命以及延缓与老化相关的疾病(例如:癌症和心脏病)都有关联。
Using experimental models, researchers have discovered that cranberries may increase lifespan. Their results showed that cranberry anthocyanins significantly prolonged the mean lifespan of their experimental models by 10%. Researchers believed that this effect was achieved by modulating certain genes and signaling pathways, such as downregulating insulin receptor (InR) and target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathways. Inhibition of InR and TOR has been associated with a healthy lifespan as well as delaying age-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Another reason for cranberries' ability to increase lifespan could be due to their antioxidant activity. A study showed that cranberry anthocyanins reduced the mortality rate induced by hydrogen peroxide.

Cranberries Can Have Positive Effects on Lifespan at All Stages of Life

研究发现,蔓越莓可以全面延长三个年龄层实验模型的寿命 —— 相当于人类的青年、中年和老年期。这意味着在任何年龄阶段,食用蔓越莓都可以帮助延长寿命;且对于不同年龄层的人而言,这都是一个在延长寿命方面极具帮助的方法。
Studies have found that cranberries could extend the lifespan of their experimental models in all three life stages — the equivalent of young adulthood, middle age, and old age in humans. This means that cranberries can help prolong lifespan when consumed during any life stage and are a potential option for prolongevity interventions in people of different ages.

Cranberries Are a Major Source of Antioxidants

蔓越莓含有各种各类的抗氧化剂,例如:多酚(类黄酮、花青素)、抗坏血酸和三萜类化合物。抗氧化剂能够清除自由基并帮助去除活性氧 — 活性氧会透过破坏细胞和 DNA 从而引起氧化压力。氧化压力与老化以及许多疾病和病症都有关,例如:心脏病、糖尿病、癌症和炎症。透过减少氧化压力的方式,抗氧化剂对于帮助预防这类退化性疾病至关重要。
Cranberries contain a wide variety of antioxidants, such as polyphenols (flavonoids, anthocyanins), ascorbic acid, and triterpene compounds. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals and help remove reactive oxygen species that cause oxidative stress by damaging cells and DNA. Oxidative stress is linked to aging and many diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and inflammation. Antioxidants are critical to helping prevent these degenerative conditions by reducing oxidative stress.

In human trials, cranberry juice was shown to increase the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma while also reducing lipid oxidation in women with health problems. Cranberries are effective against inflammatory processes, thus helping to protect against a wide range of diseases.

Cranberries May Help Heart Health

Cranberries are rich in unique proanthocyanidins and can improve blood vessel function just hours after being consumed. They can increase compounds such as polyphenols and metabolites in the blood. These compounds can help prevent blood clots, reduce blood sugar, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Cranberries may also lower cholesterol levels while boosting the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), also known as "good" cholesterol.

Including Cranberries in the Diet May Improve Memory and Brain Function

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of cranberries may have neuroprotective potential. In a study looking at how cranberries could help age-related neurodegeneration, researchers found that participants who consumed cranberry powder showed significantly improved episodic memory performance. Researchers believe that this is due to the combination of nutrients in cranberries and improved blood flow in the brain.

Cranberries May Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries are a classic home remedy for urinary tract infections and they actually do work! The American Urological Association's guidelines for recurrent urinary tract infections in women state that clinicians can offer cranberry for prevention. Research published in The Journal of Urology states that cranberries have potential to reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections, especially in patients with recurrent urinary tract infections.

Source: eLEARN