山楂 Hawthorn

Cactus/Cactus Fruit

Hawthorn is a beautiful shrub. There are more than 900 different species of hawthorn shrubs, which traditionally bloom from April to June. The hawthorn plant is highly beneficial to the heart.

Traditional medicine widely uses the flowers and berries of the hawthorn plant to treat irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Its berries are used to treat insomnia, nervousness, indigestion, and gas. They can also alleviate abdominal distention, kidney problems, and sore throat.

Hawthorn's variety of phytochemicals-catechins, crataegus acid, hyperoside, isoorientin, isovitexin, and saponins-make it an herb that nourishes the cardiovascular system in many ways.

Keeps Cholesterol in Check

Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body as a building block for cell membranes and hormones. However, too much cholesterol in the blood can cause it to stick to the walls of arteries, obstructing blood flow.

The liver regulates cholesterol levels in blood. Hawthorn can increase the rate at which the liver converts low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad, artery-clogging cholesterol) into high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good, artery-clearing cholesterol).

Scientists compared a compound containing hawthorn with simvastatin, a drug that is supposed to lower overall cholesterol. They found that while the hawthorn compound reduced LDL cholesterol, simvastatin did not. Scientists also concluded that the hawthorn compound can be used for treating hyperlipidemia (high blood lipid levels) and preventing atherosclerosis.

Protects Against Atherosclerosis

Antioxidants in hawthorn include oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), the strong antioxidants found in grapes. Hawthorn's antioxidant properties help to protect against cell damage and the formation of plaques due to cholesterol accumulated in blood vessels, otherwise known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis has fatal consequences. Plaque buildup in vessels prevents the heart from receiving oxygen-rich blood, resulting in angina (chest pain) and heart attacks, while plaque buildup in arteries that supply blood to the brain may result in stroke.

山楂含有酚类化合物,其中包括了金丝桃甙、异槲皮甙、表儿茶素、绿原酸、槲皮素、芸香苷以及原儿茶酸。山楂酚类化合物能预防 LDL 和其中的 α-生育酚的氧化作用,帮助预防动脉硬化。
Phenolic compounds in hawthorn show an ability to prevent oxidation of LDL and alpha-tocopherol in LDL. These abilities contribute to atherosclerosis prevention. The phenolic compounds include hyperoside, isoquercitrin, epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, rutin, and protocatechuic acid.

Maintains Smooth Blood Flow

The heart pumps blood that delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to all parts of the body via a network of blood vessels in the cardiovascular system. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids that help strengthen the structure of collagen in blood vessels, preventing plaque buildup in them and improving blood flow. Crataegus acid may contribute to hawthorn's ability to widen blood vessels.

Hawthorn also contains proanthocyanidins that relax smooth muscles in blood vessels to prevent them from suddenly contracting and shutting off blood flow. Such sudden contractions can result from emotional and physical stress on the heart. The heart requires more blood and oxygen in times of stress, so preventing these contractions is crucial.

Proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins in hawthorn also help to maintain healthy capillaries. Capillaries are thin and fragile, but they are necessary for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in tissues.

Regulates Blood Pressure

血压是指血液在动脉流动时,对动脉壁产生的单位面积侧压力。血压在一定的程度上受动脉的大小所影响,健康的血压能将罹患心脏衰竭、中风、肾衰竭和其他健康问题的风险降到最小。山楂不仅能以扩张血管来降低血压、它也有助于降低血管紧张素 II(一种透过收缩血管而提升血压的荷尔蒙)的产生。
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied to artery walls as the heart pumps. It is determined partly by the size of arteries. Healthy blood pressure minimizes risk of heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems. Hawthorn can help to decrease blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. It may also reduce production of angiotensin II, a hormone that raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.

在一项研究中发现,山楂萃取物有助于接受药物治疗的 2-型糖尿病患者。受试者在 16 周內每日服食 1,200 毫克的山楂萃取物或安慰剂,结果证明服食山楂萃取的参与者,其血压低于服用安慰剂的参与者。
One study found that hawthorn extract helped type 2 diabetes patients on medication. Participants took 1,200 mg of hawthorn extract or placebo daily for 16 weeks. Those who took hawthorn had lower blood pressure than those taking the placebo.

Nourishes the Heart

Hawthorn nourishes the heart, helping it to be more efficient. Studies conclude that hawthorn can significantly improve heart function. Substances in hawthorn interact with enzymes in the heart to improve its pumping action, increase the pumping force of the heart muscle, and eliminate abnormal heart rates. It decreases the activity of a group of enzymes called phosphodiesterases, raising the level of cyclic AMP (a cell messenger), which makes it easier for calcium to enter cells. This increases the activity of the myocardium, the middle layer of the walls of the heart, and dilation of blood vessels. Dilating blood vessels means more oxygen-rich blood can get to the heart. This helps prevent oxygen deprivation in the heart, which would result in pain from chest pressure and tightness.

Relieves Heart Conditions

心绞痛是指当心肌无法获得足够的含氧血液时所产生的胸部疼痛或不适。山楂浆果被证明能预防心绞痛。在一项德国的临床研究中,患有稳定型心绞痛的病患每天服食三次 60 毫克的山楂后,心脏的血流量增加了,心肌层也能更有效地运用氧气。
Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. Studies show that hawthorn berry preparations combat angina. In German clinical studies, patients with stable angina receiving 60 mg of hawthorn three times a day showed increased blood flow to the heart and more efficient use of oxygen by the myocardium.

Heart failure
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of the body. Scientists discovered that hawthorn not only relieves heart failure, but can also improve the ability of patients with heart failure to exercise.

一项由 952 位病患参与的大型研究比较了心脏病药物、山楂补充剂,以及两者混合使用的效果。在服用山楂补充剂两年之后,受试者心悸、呼吸困难和疲劳等心脏衰竭的症状已明显减少,使用药物的数量也同样减少了。
A large study involving 952 patients compared heart medication with a standardized hawthorn supplement alone and in addition to medication. After two years of taking hawthorn, patients experienced a significant decrease in symptoms of heart failure-palpitations, breathing problems, and fatigue. They also took less medication.

Hawthorn can also provide relief from edema (swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues) that may be due to a weak heart that is unable to pump enough blood. Hawthorn does this by working as a mild diuretic, purging excess fluid.

Fights Cancer
山楂含有大量的维生素 B 群及 C,有助于抵抗癌症。山楂中的类黄酮芸香苷,更能加速消灭白血病和伯基特淋巴瘤细胞。山楂还含有抑制血浆酶(一种会导致癌性肿瘤扩散的酶)活化的复合物。测试发现,山楂萃取物能抑制喉癌细胞的滋长。山楂的抗氧化剂能够温和长效地预防由于老化所造成的退化性疾病。除此之外,山楂也具有消除炎症的功效
Hawthorn is rich in B vitamins and vitamin C, which may help protect against cancer. Studies show that rutin, a flavonoid in hawthorn, accelerates the death of leukemia and Burkitt lymphoma cells. Hawthorn also contains compounds that deactivate plasmin, an enzyme that causes cancerous tumors to spread. Laboratory tests found that hawthorn extract stopped the growth of larynx cancer cells. Thanks to its antioxidants, hawthorn has a gentle but long-term preventive effect against degenerative age-related diseases. It may also relieve inflammation.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist