枳椇子 (万寿果)(Hovenia Dulcis) (Japanese Raisin Tree Fruit / Oriental Raisin Tree Fruit)

(Hovenia Dulcis
(Japanese Raisin Tree Fruit / Oriental Raisin Tree Fruit)

Oriental Raisin Tree May Help Treat Drunkenness

枳椇子(Hovenia dulcis)长久以来被应用于中国及韩国的传统医学中,用来治疗酒精中毒并加速饮酒过量后的恢复。枳椇子提取物可降低血液中的酒精浓度。人体在分解酒精时会产生乙醛。研究显示出动物模型在摄取枳椇子提取物后,血液中的酒精和乙醛浓度皆降低了。在针对人类的实验中也看到了类似的效果。与对照组相比,摄取枳椇子提取物治疗的试验对象,在其唾液和呼出气体中观察到的酒精和酒精代谢物皆减少。如此表明酒精被代謝得更快。
Oriental raisin tree (Hovenia dulcis) has long been used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine to treat alcohol intoxication and speed up recovery after excessive drinking. Hovenia dulcis extracts reduce alcohol concentration in the blood. Acetaldehyde is generated when the human body breaks down alcohol. Studies showed a decrease of blood alcohol and acetaldehyde levels in animal models. A similar effect was seen in humans as well. A reduction of alcohol and alcohol metabolites was observed in saliva and exhaled breath in the group treated with H. dulcis extract compared to the control group. This suggests that the alcohol was metabolized faster.

The Liver Can Metabolize Alcohol Faster With Oriental Raisin Tree

在给予动物模型酒精后,枳椇子提取物可降低血液中的酒精浓度,并增加动物模型体内乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)和醛脱氢酶(ALDH)的活性。这两种酶有助于分解和代谢酒精。与对照组相比,在摄入酒精前 30 分钟先摄取枳椇子提取物的动物模型,更能增强 ADH 和 ALDH 的活性,这表明了酒精被代谢得更快。
Hovenia dulcis extract could reduce the alcohol concentration in the blood and increase the activity of the enzymes — alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) — in animal models after being given alcohol. These two enzymes help break down and metabolize alcohol. The administration of H. dulcis extracts to animal models, 30 minutes prior to alcohol ingestion, enhanced the activity of ADH and ALDH more than control groups, which suggested that the alcohol was metabolized faster.

Anti-hangover Effects of Oriental Raisin Tree Extract

一项随机对照交叉试验评估了枳椇子果实冷冻干燥后其水状提取物对人体的抗宿醉作用。志愿者被给予 50 克的酒精以诱导宿醉,研究团队再观测试验对象血液中的酒精、乙醛和炎性细胞因子随着时间推移所发生的变化。与安慰剂组相比,治疗组的宿醉症状程度显著降低。研究人员发现,枳椇子果实提取物对可能与炎症调节有关的酒精宿醉能发挥良好的作用。
A randomized controlled crossover trial evaluating the anti-hangover effect of freeze-dried aqueous extract of H. dulcis fruit was conducted on humans. Volunteers were given 50 g alcohol to induce hangovers. Blood alcohol, acetaldehyde, and inflammatory cytokines were measured over time. A significant decrease in hangover symptom scores was observed in the treatment group compared to the placebo group. The researchers found that the H. dulcis fruit extract had a favorable effect on alcohol hangovers that might be associated with inflammatory regulation.

Oriental Raisin Tree May Help Treat Liver Injury

使用会导致肝损伤的化学物质四氯化碳(CCI4)以诱导试验鼠产生急性肝损伤的实验结果显示,与对照组相比,用枳棋子提取物治疗的试验鼠其 AST 和 ALT(两者都是主要在肝脏中发现的酶)含量显著降低。AST 和 ALT 含量升高通常代表肝脏受到毁损或伤害;含量降低则代表肝损伤程度或炎症指数较低。
Acute liver injury was induced in rats using carbon tetrachloride (CCI4), a chemical that can cause liver injury. The results showed that a significant reduction in AST and ALT (both are enzymes found mainly in the liver) levels in rats treated with H. dulcis extract compared to the control group. Elevated AST and ALT levels generally signify liver damage or injury; reduced levels indicate lower levels of liver injury or inflammation.

A Potential New Method For Treating Liver Scarring

在试验鼠体内注入六周的 CCI4 可诱导肝纤维化。实验结果显示,由于摄取了枳椇子提取物,试验鼠体内 TIMP-1 的 mRNA 表达在数据上降低了,且这种作用与实验组肝纤维化的逆转有关。与对照组相比,摄取枳椇子提取物降低了 ALT、AST 和胆红素浓度以及胶原蛋白 I 型和 III 型的表达量,也降低了肝组织中胶原蛋白 I 型和 III 型的表达和累积。病理图像证实,使用枳椇子提取物和 CCI4 治疗的试验鼠,比单独使用 CCI4 治疗的试验鼠其肝纤维化的进展更受到抑制。
Hepatic fibrosis was induced by CCI4 administered for six weeks in rats. Results obtained showed that the mRNA expression of TIMP-1 was statistically reduced due to the H. dulcis extract, and this effect correlated with the reversion of hepatic fibrosis in the experimental group. The administration of H. dulcis extract lowered ALT, AST and bilirubin levels and the expression volume of collagen I and III compared to the control group. It also reduced the expression and accumulation of collagen I and III in liver tissue. Pathological images confirmed that in rats treated with H. dulcis extract and CCI4, the progression of fibrosis was inhibited more than in rats treated with CCI4 alone.

Oriental Raisin Tree Can Help Protect the Liver Against Alcohol

Polysaccharides in H. dulcis (HDPS) exert a liver-protective effect on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice, without inducing toxic side effects. 

In vitro experiments have shown that HDPS exhibits strong antioxidant activity properties with its high superoxide radical scavenging activity and significant inhibition effect on lipid peroxidation.

在体内实验中,针对因乙醇造成肝损伤的试验鼠,枳椇子多醣体极大程度地恢复了试验鼠肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的活性。枳椇子亦显著降低了 ALT 和 AST 的血清浓度以及肝脏中的丙二醛含量。
HDPS greatly restored the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in the liver of mice injured by ethanol in an in vivo experiment. It also significantly reduced the serum concentration of ALT and AST as well as the liver level of malondialdehyde.

These results suggest that the liver-protective effect of HDPS is mediated via the antioxidant action.

Oriental Raisin Tree Can Help Protect Against Fatty Liver Disease

枳椇子具有抗炎、抗脂肪变性和抗氧化活性。在一项给予试验鼠酒精以诱发肝损伤、再给予试验鼠枳椇子提取物的研究中,数据显示,试验鼠血清中的AST、ALT 、白蛋白、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、三酸甘油酯(TG)和 Y-谷氨酰转肽酶(Y-GTP) 浓度降低。它们还具有较低的 TG 及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)含量和肝脏中的细胞色素(CY)P450 2E1 活性。如此显现出对肝脏具有保护作用。
Hovenia dulcis has anti-inflammatory, anti-steatosis, and antioxidant activities. A study induced liver damage in mice by giving them alcohol. The mice that were also given H. dulcis extract showed decreased levels of AST, ALT, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), triglyceride (TG), and y-glutamyl transferase (y-GTP) in serum. They also had lower TG content, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) level, and cytochrome (CY) P450 2E1 activity in the liver. The lower levels are indicative of a liver-protective effect. 

枳椇子提取物的施用改变了参与肝脂肪生成过程和脂肪酸氧化的基因 mRNA 表达。组织病理分析显示,与给予乙醇的对照组试验鼠相比,给予枳椇子提取物的试验鼠对脂肪变性有显著且剂量依赖性的抑制作用。其分子机制与枳椇子的强效抗氧化作用和参与肝脏脂肪生成过程和脂肪酸氧化的基因调控有关。
The administration of H. dulcis extract modified mRNA expression of genes involved in hepatic lipogenic process and in fatty acid oxidation. Histopathological analysis revealed a significant and dose-dependent inhibition of steatosis in mice given H. dulcis extract compared to the ethanol control mice. The molecular mechanism is related to the strong antioxidant action of H. dulcis and the regulation of genes involved in the lipogenic process and fatty acid oxidation in liver.

Dihydromyricetin Can Help Mitigate Alcohol Withdrawal and Intoxication

二氢杨梅素(DHM)是枳椇子中的一种植物营养素,可以削弱急性酒精中毒的程度,以及试验鼠的戒断症状(包括酒精耐受性、焦虑和癫痫易感性)。GABAA 受体(GABAARS)是酒精作用于大脑的主要指标。在细胞方面,DHM 同时抵消了因急性酒精中毒所诱导的 GABAAR增强和酒精暴露/戒断诱导的 GABAAR 可塑性,包括大脑海马体和培养神经元中 GABAAR α 4 次单元表达的增加。GABAA可塑性对于酒精戒断和酒精依赖程度的减轻具有重要帮助。
Dihydromyricetin (DHM), a phytochemical in H. dulcis, can counteract acute alcohol intoxication (alcohol poisoning), and also withdrawal signs in rats, including alcohol tolerance, anxiety, and seizure susceptibility. GABAA receptors (GABAARS) are major targets of alcohol actions on the brain. At the cellular levels, DHM counteracted both acute alcohol intoxication-induced potentiation of GABAARS and alcohol exposure/withdrawal-induced GABAAR plasticity, including increases in GABAAα 4 subunit expression in hippocampus and cultured neurons. GABAAR plasticity contributes critically to alcohol withdrawal and dependence.

Oriental Raisin Tree May Have Anti-inflammatory Effects

体内的炎症反应是一种防御机制,但它也可能造成伤害,尤其是在炎症性疾病期间。目前有一些药物可以帮助减轻炎症,但并非没有副作用。研究发现,使用枳椇子果实和种子提取物来治疗炎症,对巨噬细胞则不会产生毒性。研究人员认为,枳椇子透过减弱促炎细胞因子(如:TNF-a、IL-6 和 IL-1β)的分泌而具有这种抗炎作用。枳椇子还可以抑制受脂多醣刺激的巨噬细胞中的 MAPK、AP-1、JAK2/STAT 和 NF- kB 信号路径,使它们不被激活。
The inflammatory response in the body is meant as a defense mechanism, but it can also cause harm, especially during inflammatory diseases. Currently there are some medications that can help reduce inflammation, but not without side effects. Research using H. dulcis fruit and seed extract showed that the treatment was not toxic to macrophages. It is thought that H. dulcis has this anti-inflammatory effect through attenuating the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β. It can also suppress the activation of MAPK, AP-1, JAK2/STAT, and NF-kB signaling pathways in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages.

Anti-obesity Effects of Oriental Raisin Tree Fruits

Hovenia dulcis may have anti-obesity effects. Research showed that the fruits of H. dulcis significantly inhibited lipid (fat) accumulation during adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells from stem cells) in a dose-dependent manner. They can modulate the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, which is responsible for glucose and fatty acid uptake to replenish cellular energy. This means H. dulcis has the potential to help prevent obesity.

Oriental Raisin Tree Can Help Fight Against Diabetes

枳棋子可帮助降低血糖值,甚至帮助受损的胰脏 β 细胞恢复。在一项使用链脲佐菌素来诱导试验鼠出现高血糖的研究中,给予枳棋子提取物的试验鼠具有更好的血糖耐受性。以链脲佐菌素治疗会破坏胰脏中的朗格汉斯胰岛。然而,在给予枳棋子的试验组中,一部分的胰岛恢复了、且还观察到一些胰岛素阳性细胞。
Hovenia dulcis can help reduce blood sugar levels and even help damaged pancreatic beta cells to recover. In a study, mice were induced with hyperglycemia using streptozotocin. The mice that were given H. dulcis extract had better blood glucose tolerance. Treatment with streptozotocin destroyed the islets of Langerhans. However, in the group given H. dulcis, the pancreatic islets recovered partially and some insulin-positive cells were observed.

Source: eLEARN