舞茸 Maitake Mushroom

Maitake Mushroom

For 3,000 years, mushrooms have been revered in China and Japan for both their nutritional and medicinal benefits. The maitake mushroom is no different.

Strengthens the Immune System

舞茸含有非常高量的 β 一 葡聚糖、磷脂、核甘酸和不饱和脂肪酸,使得舞茸成为最滋养免疫系统的菇类,它能够强化巨噬细胞(识别并吞噬外来入侵物的白血球)、自然杀手细胞、T 细胞等免疫细胞的活性,也能促进如白细胞介素、淋巴腺体等的活性,从而增强免疫系统的功能,防止癌细胞转移,抑制癌细胞成长,而且也可以抑制肿瘤的生长。
Maitake mushrooms are very high in the beneficial polysaccharides beta-glucans, phospholipids, nucleotides, and unsaturated fatty acids. Because of the high levels of these compounds, the maitake mushroom is said to be the most potent immunostimulant of all mushrooms. It promotes the action of macrophages—leukocytes  responsible for identifying and engulfing foreign cells in the body—as well as a variety of other immune-related cells, such as natural killer (NK) cells, cytotoxic T cells, and killer cells, which can attack tumor cells. T cells also inhibit tumor growth and are responsible for the body's defense against tumor metastasis.

Acts Against Tumors

舞茸的疗效归功于它的多醣体成分。多醣体 D 馏分( D-Fraction)是一种萃取自舞茸且具有强力抗肿瘤功效的成分。研究显示,单独使用多醣体 D 馏分,肿瘤的生长被抑制了 80%,功效远高于只用化疗药物丝裂霉素( MMC, mitomycin C)的45%;而如果舞茸结合丝裂霉素使用,抑制肿瘤的效果更高达98%。
The effectiveness of the maitake mushroom is in its polysaccharide content. D-fraction is a part of polysaccharides extracted from the maitake mushroom that has potent antitumor effects. Research showed that using only D-fraction inhibited tumor growth by as much as 80%, which is much more effective than using only the chemotherapy agent mitomycin C (MMC), which inhibited tumor growth by 30%. Combining maitake mushroom with MMC enhanced tumor inhibition by almost 98%.

一项试验更证实了舞茸中的多醣体 D 馏分能够有效防止正常细胞变异为恶性肿瘤细胞。研究人员每 7 天就在试验动物的食物中加入 3 次致癌物,喂食一般食物的对照组患癌率为 100%,而喂食舞茸粉末的实验组罹患率为 22.2%,口服 1 毫克/公斤多醣体 D 馏分的实验组患癌率则仅有 9.7%。这项试验显示,日常生活中虽无可避免地会摄入致癌物,多摄取含有多醣体 D 馏分的舞茸可以显著降低患癌的风险。
One experiment went on to prove the effectiveness of D-fraction in preventing normal cells from turning into malignant cancer cells. Researchers placed a carcinogen in the food of experimental animals three times over a seven-day interval. Of the control group, 100% had tumors. Of the group fed maitake mushrooms, 22.2% had tumors. Furthermore, only 9.7% of the group that was orally administered 1 mg/kg of the D-fraction polysaccharide had tumors. This test suggests that maitake mushrooms, especially those containing the purified D-fraction, are effective in reducing cancer risks where carcinogenic foods are part of the regular diet.

舞茸具有刺激免疫细胞直接攻击肿瘤细胞的能力。研究已显示出它在抑制乳癌、肺癌、肝癌和前列腺癌方面最为有效。另一项美国的研究则显示了舞茸对于子宫肌瘤患者的助益: 在服食舞茸之后的 6 个月到一年间,受试者的子宫肌瘤逐渐变小且情况好转至无需再动用外科手术。
Maitake mushroom has the ability to stimulate the immune system to attack tumor cells directly. Studies show it to be most effective in inhibiting cancers of the breast, lung, liver, and prostate. In a U.S. study, researchers proved maitake mushroom's benefits for individuals with uterine fibroids. After patients took maitake mushrooms for between six months and one year, they experienced a substantial reduction of the uterine fibroids. In fact, the patients' conditions improved to such an extent that surgery was no longer necessary.

Lessens Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Maitake mushroom helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy so patients tolerate it much better, making it more effective. Furthermore, the fact that maitake mushroom can be taken orally and be so effective is another benefit. Some antitumor compounds found in mushrooms must be given either intravenously or intramuscularly to be effective.

Lowers Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar

一项发表于《分子与细胞生物化学》( Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry)的研究指出,舞茸在实验中显示出其对于抗高血压和抗糖尿病方面皆极具潜力。舞茸有助于稳定血糖值和预防或减少糖尿病对身体带来的影响。
A study published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry showed the promising results of maitake mushroom's antihypertensive and antidiabetic effects. Maitake mushroom effectively stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents or reduces the effects of diabetes on the body.

In conclusion, maitake mushrooms may well be a viable alternative to high-cost drugs and surgery, enabling individuals to avoid frequent and severe side effects. Maitake mushroom has been reported to be helpful in the treatment and prevention of cancer, AIDS, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol, making maitake mushroom a medicinal wonder.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist