椎茸 Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom

椎茸就是常见的 “香菇”,几个世纪以来香菇在传统的日本及中国料理中扮演着重要的角色。不过这种菇类的用途不只有烹调食用而已,东方民间医学更将其列为草本药材,用来治疗伤风、感冒、血液循环不良、肠胃不适及疲劳等症状
Often referred to as the "fragrant mushroom," shiitake mushroom has played an important role in traditional Japanese and Chinese cuisines. However, the uses of this mushroom are not solely culinary in nature. Shiitake mushroom is also used in Oriental folk medicine to treat colds, flu, poor blood circulation, upset stomach, and fatigue.

椎茸中含有香菇嘌呤(帮助降低胆固醇)、麦角硫因(可保护细胞)、多种氨基酸、维生素 B 群、数种矿物质、胆素以及麦角固醇 —— 一种维生素原,摄入体内再经日光照射后会转化成维生素 D2
Shiitake mushroom contains eritadenine (which helps lower cholesterol), ergothioneine (which protects cells), amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, choline, and ergosterol (a provitamin that the body converts into vitamin D2 when it is exposed to sunlight).

Boosts Immunity

椎茸中的香菇多醣体( Lentinan )和 LEM 多醣体,能够剌激人体因老化而变弱的免疫系统。香菇多醣体能够活化体内自然杀手细胞以及增加 γ — 干扰素的产生。
Lentinan and LEM—polysaccharides in shiitake mushroom—have the ability to stimulate an immune system that is weakened as a result of aging. These polysaccharides can activate natural killer cells and increase the production of gamma interferon.

LEM 则能强化淋巴细胞与巨噬细胞抵抗细菌、病毒、肿瘤和毒素的能力,也可帮助改善慢性疾病(如慢性疲劳综合症)、长期压力、医学治疗(包括放射治疗和化疗)效果,并能增强免疫系统,加速疾病痊愈的过程。日本东京山口大学的研究指出,低浓度的 LEM 即能控制病毒性疾病的发展,而研究也显示出 LEM 能促进对抗 B 型肝炎抗体的产生。
Meanwhile, LEM stimulates lymphocytes and macrophages, which are responsible for the immune system's defense against bacteria, viruses, tumor cells, and toxins. It may also improve chronic problems like chronic fatigue syndrome, long periods of stress, and medical treatments involving radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and recharge the immune system to speed up recovery from illness. Research conducted by Yamaguchi University in Tokyo has discovered that a low concentration of LEM curbs viral disease growth. Studies show LEM stimulates the production of antibodies to fight hepatitis B.

Inhibits Tumors

椎茸的多醣体(尤其是香菇多醣体 Lentinan),可刺激免疫系统制造自然杀手细胞等免疫细胞来杀灭肿瘤细胞;此外也能活化 T-助手细胞(一种免疫细胞),协助巨噬细胞发挥作用。而 LEM 可在肝癌早期,抑制癌细胞的扩散及转移。一项研究显示,给予试验鼠使用适当剂量的香菇多醣体后,其体内的癌细胞竟完全消失。
Extracts of shiitake mushroom, in particular lentinan, kill tumor cells by stimulating the immune system to produce the body's own killer cells. They also activate helper T cells and aid in the function of macrophages. Laboratory studies show LEM's potential to suppress liver cancer in the early stages of development and to inhibit the spread of cancer. In one particular study, the correct dosage of lentinan produced complete regression of certain cancers in mice.

研究发现,在接受放射疗法前使用香菇多醣体治疗,可防止白血球细胞数量的减少,进而防止抗癌药物对身体造成的损伤。日本医学署已在 80 年代批准使用香菇多醣体作为抗癌药物。如今,日本的医学界使用去除杂质后的香菇多醣体来治疗肺癌、胃癌、乳癌、直肠癌、子宫颈癌等癌症,因为香菇多醣体不但能抑制癌症复发,而且也能延长癌症患者的寿命。
Research shows that lentinan treatment prior to radiation treatment offers protection from reduced white blood cell counts, thus preventing damage to the body caused by anticancer drugs. In the 1980s, the Japanese Pharmaceutical Council approved the use of lentinan as an anticancer drug. Today, Japanese doctors are using purified lentinan as an immunotherapy for lung, stomach, breast, colorectal, cervical, and other cancers. The use of lentinan can help to suppress cancer recurrence and prolong the life span of cancer patients.

Lentinan may also help lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

资料来源:营养 免疫 长寿,免疫学家陈昭妃著
Source: Nutrition Immunity Longevity, Jau-Fei Chen, PhD, Immunologist