协奏曲 Rhapsody

Product Details

协奏曲的主要成分是 #仙人掌和 #西洋参。这些食物富含植物性营养。
The main ingredients of Rhapsody are #cactus and #American ginseng. These foods are rich in plant-based nutrients.

Rhapsody does not contain preservatives. Hence it may spoil even if it is refrigerated after opening. Thus, we recommend that Rhapsody be consumed soon after opening.

*Please refer to the actual product box for product details, ingredients, directions, precautions, and picture.

本产品不含防腐剂。 开封后请立即饮用。
This product does not contain preservatives. Please consume immediately upon opening.

This product has been tested for heavy metals, pesticides, and antibiotics.

Quality Manufacturing
We use a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility.


问: 仙人掌和芦荟有什么不同
答: 尽管芦荟与仙人掌有些类似,但实际上芦荟是百合科植物,而仙人掌却接近蔷薇科。芦荟生长得快,只需8个月就可成熟,而仙人掌却需要好几年。芦荟原产于北非,而仙人掌原产于美洲。芦荟颜色偏深,叶子扁平且长,而仙人掌颜色较浅,茎干饱满多浆。
Q: What are the differences between cactus and aloe vera?
A: Although aloe vera resembles cactus, the former is actually a member of the lily family, while cactus is closely related to the rose plant. Aloe vera grows quickly, taking just eight months to mature, while cactus takes many years. Aloe vera is said to be native to North Africa, while cactus is native to the American continents. Aloe vera is darker and has long, flat leaves, while cactus is usually lighter colored with fleshy and swollen stems.

问: 仙人掌的味道如何
答: 仙人掌具有柔软但脆脆的质地,煮熟时会变得黏稠,类似于秋葵。它具有温和而独特的风味,口感类似于略带酸的绿豆、芦笋或青椒。
Q: What does cactus taste like?
A: Cactus has a soft but crunchy texture that becomes sticky, similar to okra, when cooked. It has a mild and unique flavor that is similar to a slightly tart green bean, asparagus, or bell peppers.

问: 什么是西洋参
答: 西洋参是高丽参的近亲。西洋参属于五加科 (Araliaceae),是一种多年生草本植物,有深绿色的叶子和一簇一簇的红色浆果。它在北美东部的野外被寻获,根部被拿来作为医药用途,尤其是在中国。时至今日,市面上大多数的西洋参都是人工种植的。
Q: What is American ginseng?
A: American ginseng, also called Panax quinquefolius, is a close relative of Korean ginseng. Belonging to the Araliaceae family, it is a perennial herb with dark green leaves and clusters of red berries. It is found in the wild in eastern North America, and its roots are used medicinally, particularly in China. Today, most of the American ginseng on the market are cultivated.

Please refer to the product label for the full list of ingredients. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, are taking any medication, or if you are pregnant or lactating, please consult your health care professional before taking any products.

The information on this site is designed for informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the information on this website or from any of eLEAD's services. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your health care professional.

The information on this website may contain references to scientific research that has been performed regarding one or more ingredients used in eLEAD's products. This information has been included on this site in order to demonstrate that the scientific community is documenting and verifying the amazing and wonderful powers of plant foods, but only under the specific circumstances and uses described in the referenced studies. No specific claim is made by eLEAD regarding the efficacy of its products. Even though eLEAD's products may contain one or more ingredients described in such studies, there is no guarantee that the use of such products will achieve any of the results described in the studies. Any claim made by any person is specifically disavowed and disclaimed by this website and by eLEAD. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice, or other content available on this website.

eLEAD will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information obtained through the eLEAD website or services. eLEAD does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement on this website. By using the eLEAD website or services, including reading, browsing, or purchasing, you are agreeing to indemnify eLEAD against any and all claims or responsibilities which may arise as a result of your usage of the eLEAD website or services, and you accept sole responsibility for any legal, medical, and financial liability arising as a result of your usage of this site or eLEAD's services.


U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Edible Cactus: Natural Food. In health.howstuffworks.com. Retrieved from https://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/natural-foods/edible-cactus.htm

Ginseng, American. (Updated May 18, 2018). In Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved from https://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/divisions-diagnostics-and-procedures/medicine/american-ginseng

Source: https://www.eleadglobal.com/compage/view/60010/3/60010
Source: https://www.eleadglobal.com/compage/wenxian