专健 Soypro

Product Details

专健含有 #大豆 及珍贵 #人参,成分单纯且质量优异,是一款富含完整蛋白质的饮品。饮用专健搭配规律运动,有助于构建身体的肌肉量。
SoyPro is a mix of wholesome #soybeans and precious #ginseng. It’s made of simple, high-quality ingredients. SoyPro is a drink rich in complete protein. Pair SoyPro with regular exercise and start building muscle mass.

√ No chemically refined soy protein isolate

√ No cholesterol

√ No animal additives

√ No dairy

√ No egg products

*Please refer to the actual product box for product details, ingredients, directions, precautions, and picture.

This product does not contain any preservatives.

This product has been tested for heavy metals and pesticides.

Quality Manufacturing
We use a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility.


问: 大豆含有必需氨基酸吗
答: 氨基酸是蛋白质的基石,它们有助于构建肌肉。必需氨基酸必须透过我们吃的食物来获取,因为我们的身体无法制造它们。与其他一些植物蛋白质不同,大豆被认为是一种完整的蛋白质,因为它含有可维持肌肉最佳状态的所有九种必需氨基酸。
Q: Does soy contain essential amino acids?
A: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and they help build muscles. Essential amino acids must be obtained through the food we eat because our bodies cannot make them. Unlike some other plant proteins, soy is considered a complete protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids for optimal muscle function. 

问: 谁需要更多的蛋白质
答: 经常运动的人需要更多的蛋白质。在运动的时候,肌肉会承受大量的负荷,这会分解肌肉的某些部分。想增加肌肉质量的人可从摄取更多的蛋白质中受益。蛋白质有助于构建及维持肌肉。
Q: Who needs more protein?
A: Those who exercise may need more protein. During exercise, people put their muscles through large amounts of stress, which can break down some parts of the muscle. Those looking to gain muscle mass can also benefit from more protein. Protein helps to build and maintain muscles. 

问: 如果我进行运动锻炼,什么时候最适合摄取蛋白质?
答: 有證據指出,透過運動構建肌肉時,運動後不久便攝入蛋白質有助於肌肉的生長及恢復。在理想的情況下,應該全天候攝取蛋白質。我們的身體每次只能吸收及使用一定量的蛋白質。如果您正在嘗試構建肌肉,理想的方式就是每天均衡地攝取固定份量的蛋白質,尤其是在運動後。
Q: If I exercise, when is the best time to take protein?
A: When exercising to build muscle, there is some evidence that eating protein soon after a workout can help muscle growth and recovery. Ideally, protein should be consumed throughout the day. Our bodies can only absorb and use so much protein in one sitting. If you are trying to build muscle, the ideal way is to consume steady amounts of protein throughout your day, but particularly immediately after exercise.

问: 我需要多少蛋白质
Q: How much protein do I need?
答: 根据个人的饮食、年龄、性别、活跃程度以及个人可能存在的任何健康状况,不同的机构建议摄取的蛋白质量皆有所不同。美国食品与药物管理局 (FDA) 在以摄取 2,000 卡路里的饮食基准下,将每日蛋白质的建议摄取量设定为 50 克。
A: Different organizations will recommend different amounts, based on an individual’s diet, age, gender, activity level, as well as any medical conditions the individual may have. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set a Daily Value (DV) for protein at 50 g per day, based on a 2,000 calorie diet. 

如果您进行运动锻炼,或您想要构建肌肉或增强力量,那么摄取更多的蛋白质将对您有益,因为蛋白质在肌肉形成的过程中扮演着重要角色。美国营养与饮食学会建议,对于健康的成年人来说,每天每公斤的体重,应该相应地摄取大约 0.8 克蛋白质。运动员更应该多摄取一些,即每天每公斤的体重,相应地摄入约 1.2 至 2.0 克蛋白质。
If you exercise, or if you are looking to build muscle or strength, then more protein can be beneficial, as protein plays a part in muscle synthesis. The U.S. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that healthy adults should consume about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. Athletes should consume a little bit more—about 1.2 – 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.

问: 大豆分离蛋白和完整的大豆蛋白之间有什么区别
Q: What is the difference between soy protein isolate and whole soy protein?
答: 大豆分离蛋白是透过化学和生物制程,从大豆的其他成分中分离而出的粉状食品。这并不理想,因为作为分离物,它缺少了大豆的一些有益成分。
A: Soy protein isolate is a powdered food product that has been isolated from the other components of soy through chemical and biological processes. This is not ideal, because as an isolate, it is missing some of the beneficial components of soy

Wholesome soy, on the other hand, contains protein, as well as additional important nutrients, fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants

In the pursuit of building muscles, it is important to also remain healthy.

Please refer to the product label for the full list of ingredients. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, are taking any medication, or if you are pregnant or lactating, please consult your health care professional before taking any products.

The information on this site is designed for informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the information on this website or from any of eLEAD's services. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your health care professional.

The information on this website may contain references to scientific research that has been performed regarding one or more ingredients used in eLEAD's products. This information has been included on this site in order to demonstrate that the scientific community is documenting and verifying the amazing and wonderful powers of plant foods, but only under the specific circumstances and uses described in the referenced studies. No specific claim is made by eLEAD regarding the efficacy of its products. Even though eLEAD's products may contain one or more ingredients described in such studies, there is no guarantee that the use of such products will achieve any of the results described in the studies. Any claim made by any person is specifically disavowed and disclaimed by this website and by eLEAD. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice, or other content available on this website.

eLEAD will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information obtained through the eLEAD website or services. eLEAD does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement on this website. By using the eLEAD website or services, including reading, browsing, or purchasing, you are agreeing to indemnify eLEAD against any and all claims or responsibilities which may arise as a result of your usage of the eLEAD website or services, and you accept sole responsibility for any legal, medical, and financial liability arising as a result of your usage of this site or eLEAD's services.


Berry J. (2019). What to know about essential amino acids. In medicalnewstoday.com. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324229.php

Straight Talk About Soy. (n.d.). In hsph.harvard.edu. Retrieved from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/soy/

Amino acids. (Updated Jan 11, 2022). In medlineplus.gov. Retrieved from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002222.htm

Webb, D. (2014). Athletes and Protein Intake. Today's Dietitian, 16(6), 22. Retrieved from http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/060114p22.shtml

Wolfe, R. R. (2012). The role of dietary protein in optimizing muscle mass, function and health outcomes in older individuals. British Journal of Nutrition, 108(2), 88-93. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23107552

Boldt, A. (n.d.). Does the Body Store Protein? In livestrong.com. Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/413631-does-the-body-store-protein/

Protein (2020). In fda.gov. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/interactivenutritionfactslabel/assets/InteractiveNFL_Protein_March2020.pdf

Cataldo, D., Blair, M. (2015). Protein intake for optimal muscle maintenance. In acsm.org. Retrieved from https://www.acsm.org/docs/default-source/files-for-resource-library/protein-intake-for-optimal-muscle-maintenance.pdf

Caspero, A. (2020). Protein and the Athlete—How Much Do You Need? Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In eatright.org. Retrieved from http://www.eatright.org/resource/fitness/sports-and-performance/fueling-your-workout/protein-and-the-athlete

Source: https://www.eleadglobal.com/compage/view/10013/3/10013
Source: https://www.eleadglobal.com/compage/wenxian